Matlab Documentation for Very Simple Markov-Perfect Industry Dynamics: Empirics

Jaap H. Abbring§Jeffrey R. CampbellJan TillyNan Yang

December 2018

This software package lists and describes the programs used in Abbring et al. (2017).

We thank Emanuel Marcu for excellent research assistance and our students for comments. The research of Jaap Abbring is financially supported by the Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO) through Vici grant 453-11-002.
§CentER, Department of Econometrics & OR, Tilburg University. E-mail:
Economic Research, Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago, and CentER, Tilburg University. E-mail:
QuantCo, Inc. E-mail:
Business School, National University of Singapore. E-mail:

In this software package, we present Matlab programs that implement the estimation algorithm introduced in Abbring et al. (2017) on simulated data. This software package is intended to serve as a platform for experimentation and teaching. In the paper, we use C++ code to obtain estimation results for our empirical application on movie theaters and to perform a large number of simulations.

This Matlab package can be downloaded from here. The code can be executed in Matlab by running the script example.m.

This documentation is structured as follows. First, we briefly review the model presented in Abbring et al. (2017), which is a special case of the model presented in Abbring et al. (2018). Second, we introduce the algorithm that computes the equilibrium and show how to compute the model's likelihood function. Third, we discuss all the necessary ingredients to generate data from the model. Fourth, we put all of the above together in the script example.m, where we create a synthetic sample and estimate the underlying primitives.


Consider a local market. Time is discrete and indexed by (StartMathJax)t\in\mathbb{N}\equiv\{1,2,\ldots\}(StopMathJax). In period (StartMathJax)t(StopMathJax), firms that have entered in the past and not yet exited serve the market. Each firm has a name (StartMathJax)f\in{\cal F}\equiv{\cal F}_0 \cup\left(\mathbb{N}\times\{1,2,\ldots,\check{\jmath}\}\right).(StopMathJax) Initial incumbents have distinct names in (StartMathJax){\cal F}_0(StopMathJax), while potential entrants' names are from (StartMathJax)\mathbb{N}\times\{1,2,\ldots,\check{\jmath}\}(StopMathJax). The first component of a potential entrant's name gives the period in which it has its only opportunity to enter the market, and the second component gives its position in that period's queue of (StartMathJax)\check{\jmath} \lt \infty(StopMathJax) firms. Aside from the timing of their entry opportunities, the firms are identical.

We divide each period into two subperiods, the entry and survival stages. Period (StartMathJax)t(StopMathJax) begins on the left with the entry stage. If (StartMathJax)t=1(StopMathJax), nature sets the number (StartMathJax)N_1(StopMathJax) of firms serving the market in period (StartMathJax)1(StopMathJax) and the initial demand state (StartMathJax)C_1(StopMathJax). If (StartMathJax)t \gt 1(StopMathJax), these are inherited from the previous period. We assume that (StartMathJax)C_t(StopMathJax) follows a first-order Markov process and denote its support with (StartMathJax)\cal C(StopMathJax). Throughout the paper, we refer to (StartMathJax)C_t(StopMathJax) as “demand,” but it can encompass any observed, relevant, and time-varying characteristics of the market, depending on the empirical context. In our empirical application, (StartMathJax)C_t(StopMathJax) is the local market's residential population.

Each incumbent firm serves the market and earns a surplus (StartMathJax)\pi(N_t,C_t)(StopMathJax). We assume that

Here and throughout; we denote the next period's value of a generic variable (StartMathJax)Z(StopMathJax) with (StartMathJax)Z^\prime(StopMathJax), random variables with capital Roman letters, and their realizations with the corresponding small Roman letters. The first assumption is technical and allows us to restrict equilibrium values to the space of bounded functions. The second assumption allows us to restrict equilibrium analysis to markets with at most (StartMathJax)\check{n}(StopMathJax) firms. It is not restrictive in empirical applications to oligopolies. The third assumption requires the addition of a competitor to reduce weakly each incumbent's surplus.

After incumbents earn their surpluses, nature draws the current period's shock to continuation and entry costs, (StartMathJax)W_t(StopMathJax), from a distribution (StartMathJax)G_W(StopMathJax) with positive density everywhere on the real line. Then, period (StartMathJax)t(StopMathJax)'s cohort of potential entrants (StartMathJax)\{t\}\times\mathbb{N}(StopMathJax) make entry decisions in the order of the second component of their names. We denote firm (StartMathJax)f(StopMathJax)'s entry decision with (StartMathJax)a^f_E\in\left\{0,1\right\}(StopMathJax). An entrant ((StartMathJax)a^f_E=1(StopMathJax)) pays the sunk cost (StartMathJax)\varphi \exp(W_{t})(StopMathJax), with (StartMathJax)\varphi \gt 0(StopMathJax). A firm choosing not to enter ((StartMathJax)a^f_E=0(StopMathJax)) earns a payoff of zero and never has another entry opportunity. Such a refusal to enter also ends the entry stage, so firms remaining in this period's entry cohort that have not yet had an opportunity to enter never get to do so. Since the next firm in line faces exactly the same choice as did the firm that refused to enter, it will make the same refusal decision in any symmetric equilibrium. Since every period has at least one firm refusing an available entry opportunity, the model is one of free entry.

We denote the number of firms in the market after the entry stage, the sum of the incumbents and the actual entrants, with (StartMathJax)N_{E,t}(StopMathJax). Suppose that the names of these active firms are (StartMathJax)f_1,\ldots,f_{N_{E,t}}(StopMathJax). In the subsequent survival stage, they simultaneously decide on continuation with probabilities (StartMathJax)a_S^{f_1},\ldots, a_S^{f_{N_{E,t}}}\in[0,1](StopMathJax). After these decisions, all survival outcomes are realized independently across firms according to the chosen Bernoulli distributions. Firms that survive pay a fixed cost (StartMathJax)\exp(W_t)(StopMathJax). A firm can avoid this cost by exiting to earn zero. Firms that have exited cannot reenter the market later. The (StartMathJax)N_{t+1}(StopMathJax) surviving firms continue to the next period, (StartMathJax)t+1(StopMathJax). The period ends with nature drawing a new demand state (StartMathJax)C_{t+1}(StopMathJax) from the conditional distribution (StartMathJax)G_C(\cdot\; | \;C_t)(StopMathJax). All firms discount future profits and costs with the discount factor (StartMathJax)\rho\in[0,1)(StopMathJax).

We assume that, for each market, the data contain information on (StartMathJax)N_t(StopMathJax), (StartMathJax)C_t(StopMathJax), and possibly some time-invariant market characteristics (StartMathJax)X(StopMathJax) that shift the market's primitives. The market-level cost shocks (StartMathJax)W_t(StopMathJax) are not observed by the econometrician and serve as the model's structural econometric errors. Because they are observed by all firms and affect their payoffs from entry and survival, they make the relation between the observed demand state (StartMathJax)C_t(StopMathJax) and the market structure (StartMathJax)N_t(StopMathJax) statistically nondegenerate.

The assumptions on (StartMathJax)\{C_t, W_t\}(StopMathJax) make it a first-order Markov process satisfying a conditional independence assumption. This ensures that the distribution of (StartMathJax)(N_{t},C_{t})(StopMathJax) conditional on (StartMathJax)(N_{t^\star},C_{t^\star})(StopMathJax) for all (StartMathJax){t^\star} \lt t(StopMathJax) depends only on (StartMathJax)(N_{t-1},C_{t-1})(StopMathJax), so we require only the model's transition rules to calculate the conditional likelihood function.

11Value Functions and Entry Rules

We begin by implementing the computational algorithm to compute the equilibrium value functions that we present in the paper. The post-survival value function (StartMathJax)v_S(n,c)(StopMathJax) is computed recursively by iterating on a sequence of Bellman equations.

Recall the definitions of the entry thresholds in the paper,


(StartMathJax) \overline w_{E}(n,c) = \log v_{S}\left(n, c\right) - \log\left(1 + \varphi\right). (StopMathJax)

The post-survival value function is given by


(StartMathJax) \begin{split} v_S(n, c) = \rho \mathbb E\big[ \pi(n, C')\; +&\int_{\overline{w}_E(n + 1, C')}^{\log v_S(n, C')} &\left(- \exp(w) + v_S(n, C')\right) d G_W(w) \\ + \sum_{n' = n+1}^{\check n}\;&\int_{\overline{w}_E(n' + 1, C')}^{\overline{w}_E(n', C')} &\left(- \exp(w) + v_S(n', C')\right) d G_W(w) \big| C=c\big], \end{split} \label{vS_2} (StopMathJax)

The above is the key equation that we will use to numerically compute the equilibrium. First, we consolidate the econometric error and obtain


(StartMathJax) \begin{split} v_S(n, c) = \rho \mathbb E\big[ \pi(n, C')\; +&v_S(n, C') \int_{\overline{w}_E(n + 1, C')}^{\log v_S(n, C')} d G_W(w) + \sum_{n' = n+1}^{\check n} v_S(n', C')\int_{\overline{w}_E(n' + 1, C')}^{\overline{w}_E(n', C')} d G_W(w) \\ - \int_{-\infty}^{\log v_S(n, C')} \;&\exp(w) d G_W(w) \big| C=c\big]. \end{split} \label{vS_3} (StopMathJax)

Second, we invoke the distributional assumption on (StartMathJax)W(StopMathJax),


(StartMathJax) W \sim N(-\frac{1}{2}\omega^2,\omega^2), (StopMathJax)

which gives us a closed form solution for the partial expectation,


(StartMathJax) \int_{-\infty}^{\log v_S(n, C')} \exp(w) d G_W(w) = \left[1 - \Phi\left(\frac{ \frac{1}{2}\omega^2 - \log v_S(n,C')}{\omega}\right)\right] \label{partialExpectation} (StopMathJax)

where (StartMathJax)\Phi(\cdot)(StopMathJax) refers to the standard normal cumulative distribution function. The remaining two integrals in equation (3) can be expressed using the cumulative distribution function of (StartMathJax)W(StopMathJax):


(StartMathJax) \int_{\overline{w}_E(n + 1, C')}^{\log v_S(n, C')} d G_W(w) = G_W\left[\log v_S(n,C')\right] - G_W\left[\log v_S(n+1,C') - \log (1 + \varphi)\right] \label{pSureSurvivalNoEntry} (StopMathJax)


(StartMathJax) \int_{\overline{w}_E(n' + 1, C')}^{\overline{w}_E(n', C')} d G_W(w) = G_W\left[\log v_S(n',C')-\log(1 + \varphi)\right] - G_W\left[\log v_S(n'+1,C') - \log(1 + \varphi)\right] \label{pEntrySet} (StopMathJax)

We now implement the value function iteration on equation (3) in Matlab.

The function valueFunctionIteration requires the arguments Settings and Param. It returns the following four matrices:

  • vS is a matrix of dimension (StartMathJax)(\check n + 1) \times \check c(StopMathJax) that stores the equilibrium post-survival value functions. By definition, the last row consists of zeros (and exists mostly for computational convenience).
  • pEntry is a matrix of dimension (StartMathJax)(\check n + 1) \times \check c(StopMathJax) that stores the equilibrium entry probabilities, i.e. each element contains the probability that at least row firms are active post-entry under demand state column. Again, the last row consists of zeros. Thus, the (StartMathJax)n^{\text{th}}(StopMathJax) row of pEntry stores (StartMathJax)\Pr\left(w \lt \overline w_E(n, :)\right)(StopMathJax).
  • pEntrySet is a matrix of dimension (StartMathJax)(\check n + 1) \times \check c(StopMathJax) that stores the equilibrium probabilities that exactly row firms are active post-entry under demand state column. Thus, the (StartMathJax)n^{\text{th}}(StopMathJax) row of pEntrySet stores (StartMathJax)\Pr\left(\overline w_E(n + 1, :) \leq w \lt \overline w_E(n, :)\right)(StopMathJax).
  • pStay is a matrix of dimension (StartMathJax)\check n \times \check c(StopMathJax) that stores the equilibrium probabilities that row firms find certain survival profitable under demand state column. Thus, the (StartMathJax)n^{\text{th}}(StopMathJax) row of pStay stores (StartMathJax)\Pr\left(w \lt \overline w_S(n, :)\right)(StopMathJax).

The goal is to construct the (StartMathJax)(\check n + 1) \times \check c(StopMathJax) matrix vS, in which the last row is set to zero by construction. Each column in vS constitutes a fixed point to the Bellman equation characterized by equation (3). The procedure will follow a backward recursion on the number of firms, from (StartMathJax)\check n (StopMathJax) back to 1. For (StartMathJax)n = \check n(StopMathJax), the Bellman equation has (StartMathJax)v_S(\check n ,c)(StopMathJax) on both sides as entry cannot occur. For (StartMathJax)n \lt \check n(StopMathJax), the Bellman equation will depend only on (StartMathJax)v_S(n',c)(StopMathJax) for (StartMathJax)n' \gt n(StopMathJax), the values of which are already in memory because we are iterating backwards.

valueFunctionIteration.m44function [vS, pEntry, pEntrySet, pStay] =
valueFunctionIteration.m45 valueFunctionIteration(Settings, Param)

Allocate and intialize the post-survival value functions, the entry probabilities, and the probability of sure survival.

valueFunctionIteration.m49vS = zeros(Settings.nCheck + 1, Settings.cCheck);
valueFunctionIteration.m50pEntry = zeros(Settings.nCheck + 1, Settings.cCheck);
valueFunctionIteration.m51pEntrySet = zeros(Settings.nCheck + 1, Settings.cCheck);
valueFunctionIteration.m52pStay = zeros(Settings.nCheck, Settings.cCheck);

Now we begin the backward recursion, starting from nCheck. We will iterate on vS(n, :) using equation (3), which we map into the relevant Matlab variables below:


(StartMathJax) \begin{split} v_S(n,c) &= \rho \mathbb E\bigg[\; & \overbrace{ \pi(n,C')}^{\textbf{flowSurplus}} - \overbrace{\left[1 - G_W\left(\omega ^ 2 - \log v_S(n,C')\right)\right]}^{\textbf{partialExp}} \\ & + & \overbrace{v_S(n, C')\left(G_W\left[\log v_S(n,C')\right] - G_W\left[\log v_S(n + 1,C') - \log(1+\varphi)\right]\right)}^{\textbf{valueSureSurvNoEntry}} \\ & + & \overbrace{\sum_{n'=n + 1}^{\check n} v_S(n', C')\left(G_W\left[\log v_S(n',C')-\log(1+\varphi)\right] - G_W\left[\log v_S(n' + 1,C') - \log(1 + \varphi)\right]\right)}^{\textbf{valueAdditionalEntry}} \bigg| C=c\bigg]. \end{split} (StopMathJax)

The expectation operator with respect to (StartMathJax)C'(StopMathJax) is implemented by left-multiplying the inside of the expectation in the equation above (a column vector with cCheck elements) by the transition probability matrix Param.demand.transMat. The iteration is complete when the difference vSdiff between vS(n, :) and its update n vSPrime does not exceed the stopping criterion, Settings.tolInner. Start by initializing vSdiff to 1 (which exceeds Settings.tolInner). We pre-compute (StartMathJax)\omega ^ 2(StopMathJax) and the demand grid (transposed) at the beginning, so we do not have to do so repeatedly inside the loops below.

valueFunctionIteration.m75thetaW2 = ^ 2;
valueFunctionIteration.m76gridTrans = exp(Settings.logGrid)';
valueFunctionIteration.m78for n = Settings.nCheck:-1:1
valueFunctionIteration.m80 % initialize the iteration counter and the criterion value
valueFunctionIteration.m81 iter = 0;
valueFunctionIteration.m82 vSdiff = 1;
valueFunctionIteration.m84 % take the nth row out of vS, transpose it, and iterate on this column vector
valueFunctionIteration.m85 vSn = vS(n, :)';
valueFunctionIteration.m87 % pre-compute flow surplus so we don't have to do so repeatedly inside the while loop
valueFunctionIteration.m88 flowSurplus = gridTrans * Param.k(n) / n;
valueFunctionIteration.m90 % pre-compute value from additional entry, because this is known
valueFunctionIteration.m91 valueAdditionalEntry =
valueFunctionIteration.m92 sum(pEntrySet((n + 1):end, :) .* vS((n + 1):end, :))';
valueFunctionIteration.m94 % get row (n+1) out of pEntry and store it as column
valueFunctionIteration.m95 pEntrynPlus1 = pEntry(n + 1, :)';
valueFunctionIteration.m97 % iterate until convergence
valueFunctionIteration.m98 while (vSdiff > Settings.tolInner && iter < Settings.maxIter)
valueFunctionIteration.m100 % increment iteration counter
valueFunctionIteration.m101 iter = iter + 1;
valueFunctionIteration.m103 % only compute the log once
valueFunctionIteration.m104 logvSn = log(vSn);
valueFunctionIteration.m106 % compute the probability that incumbents survive with prob 1
valueFunctionIteration.m107 pStayn = normcdf(logvSn, -0.5 * thetaW2,;
valueFunctionIteration.m109 % compute partial expectation of cost shock
valueFunctionIteration.m110 partialExp = 1 - normcdf(0.5 * thetaW2 - logvSn, 0,;
valueFunctionIteration.m112 % assemble value function update
valueFunctionIteration.m113 valueSureSurvNoEntry = (pStayn - pEntrynPlus1) .* vSn;
valueFunctionIteration.m114 vSnPrime = (Param.rho * Param.demand.transMat * (flowSurplus
valueFunctionIteration.m115 - partialExp + valueSureSurvNoEntry + valueAdditionalEntry));
valueFunctionIteration.m116 vSdiff = max(abs(vSn - vSnPrime));
valueFunctionIteration.m118 % update value function
valueFunctionIteration.m119 vSn = vSnPrime;
valueFunctionIteration.m120 end
valueFunctionIteration.m122 if (iter == Settings.maxIter)
valueFunctionIteration.m123 error('value function iteration failed');
valueFunctionIteration.m124 end
valueFunctionIteration.m126 % store equilibrium objects
valueFunctionIteration.m127 vS(n, :) = vSn;
valueFunctionIteration.m128 pStay(n, :) = pStayn;
valueFunctionIteration.m129 pEntry(n, :) = normcdf(logvSn - log((1 + Param.phi)), -0.5 * thetaW2,;
valueFunctionIteration.m130 pEntrySet(n, :) = pEntry(n, :) - pEntry(n + 1, :);

Note that we only need to compute the entry probabilities outside of the value function iteration. We use the variable iter to keep track of the number of iterations for each value function iteration. Whenever iter exceeds Settings.maxIter, the value function iteration is terminated and a error is returned. This concludes valueFunctionIteration.


12Survival Rules

Our equilibrium computation algorithm valueFunctionIteration is fast because we do not need to completely characterize firms' survival strategies to compute the equilibrium value functions. We know that when firms mix between staying and exiting, the must receive a continuation value of zero. Firms use mixed strategies whenever the cost shock falls into the interval


(StartMathJax) \overline w_S(n, c) \leq w \lt w_S(1, c), (StopMathJax)

which means that it is not profitable for all (StartMathJax)n(StopMathJax) active firms to continue, but the market is profitable enough for at least one firm to continue.

What we have not computed thus far is how firms mix between continuation and exit when the cost shock falls into this interval. The mixing probabilities (StartMathJax)a_S(StopMathJax) are implicitly defined by the indifference condition


(StartMathJax) \label{eq:indifference1} \sum_{n'=1}^{n} {n - 1 \choose n' - 1} a_S^{n' - 1}\left(1-a_S\right)^{n-n'}\left(- \exp(w)+v_{S}(n',c)\right)=0. (StopMathJax)

The indifference condition states that when (StartMathJax)n(StopMathJax) active firms all use the survival rule a_S, the expected value from using survival rule a_S equals zero.

We compute the solution to (10) in mixingProbabilities.

This function computes the mixing probability for a market with N firms, demand state C, and cost shock W, where the post-survival value function is given by vS. The inputs N, C, and W are all of the same dimension.

The function returns the mixing probabilities aS which is of the same dimension as the inputs N, C, and W.

mixingProbabilities.m12function aS = mixingProbabilities(N, C, W, vS)

The function will solve (10) for (StartMathJax)a_S(StopMathJax) using Matlab's roots function. For the roots function to work, we need to transform (10) into polynomial form, which is given by


(StartMathJax) \sum_{n'=0}^{n_E-1} \underbrace{\left[\sum_{i=0}^{n'} \underbrace{ \underbrace{(-1)^{n'-i}}_{\textbf{signCoef}} \underbrace{\frac{(n_E-1)!}{i!(n_E-1-n')!(n'-i)!}}_{\textbf{nCk}} \underbrace{\left(-\exp(w) + v_S(i + 1,c) \right)}_{\textbf{continuationValue}}}_{\textbf{matCoef}}\right]}_{\textbf{vecCoef}} a_S^{n'} =0, (StopMathJax)

where the relevant Matlab variables are marked in bold font.

We allocate a vector of NaNs with the survival strategies that will subsequently be filled and then loop over each element in N.

mixingProbabilities.m32aS = NaN(size(N));
mixingProbabilities.m34for iX = 1:length(N)

Store the post-entry number of active firms in a scalar nE. Allocate the matrix matCoef to store the coefficients of the polynomial above. Then assemble the coefficients by looping from nE-1 to 0.

mixingProbabilities.m40 nE = N(iX);
mixingProbabilities.m41 matCoef = zeros(nE);
mixingProbabilities.m42 for jX = (nE - 1):-1:0
mixingProbabilities.m43 signCoef = (-1) .^ (jX - (0:jX));
mixingProbabilities.m44 nCk = factorial(nE - 1) / factorial(nE - 1 - jX) ./ (factorial(0:jX) .* factorial(jX - (0:jX)));
mixingProbabilities.m45 continuationValue = (-exp(W(iX)) + vS(1:(jX + 1), C(iX)))';
mixingProbabilities.m46 matCoef(nE - jX, 1:(jX + 1)) = signCoef .* nCk .* continuationValue;
mixingProbabilities.m47 end
mixingProbabilities.m49 vecCoef = sum(matCoef, 2);

We then compute the candidate values for the mixing probabilities using roots, and nullify ([]) all values that are smaller than 0 or larger than 1. When the only root is really close to 0 or to 1, Matlab may return a couple of undesired complex roots as a bonus. We nullify these candidates as well. Finally, we pick the remaining root (which we know exists and is unique).

mixingProbabilities.m57 mixprobcand = roots(vecCoef);
mixingProbabilities.m58 mixprobcand(mixprobcand<0 | mixprobcand>1) = [];
mixingProbabilities.m59 mixprobcand(real(mixprobcand) ~= mixprobcand) = [];
mixingProbabilities.m60 if(length(mixprobcand) ~= 1)
mixingProbabilities.m61 error('The number of roots between 0 and 1 is not equal to 1.');
mixingProbabilities.m62 end
mixingProbabilities.m63 aS(iX) = mixprobcand;

This concludes mixingProbabilities.



Before turning to the computation of the likelihood, we first review the likelihood construction described in the paper. Suppose we have data for (StartMathJax)\check r(StopMathJax) markets. Each market is characterized by (StartMathJax)\check t(StopMathJax) observations that include the demand state (StartMathJax)C_{t,r}(StopMathJax) and the number of active firms (StartMathJax)N_{t,r}(StopMathJax). We wish to estimate the parameter vector


(StartMathJax) \theta \equiv (\theta_C, \theta_P, \theta_W) \equiv ( (\mu_C, \sigma_C), (k, \varphi), \omega). (StopMathJax)

The likelihood contribution of a single market-level observation, i.e. a transition from (StartMathJax)(c, n)(StopMathJax) to (StartMathJax)(c', n')(StopMathJax) for market (StartMathJax)r(StopMathJax) is given by


(StartMathJax) \ell_{t+1,r}\left(\theta\right) = f_{N_{t+1,r},C_{t+1,r}}\left(n',c' | C_{t,r}=c,N_{t,r}=n;\theta_C,\theta_P,\theta_W\right) (StopMathJax)

where (StartMathJax)f_{N_{t+1,r},C_{t+1,r}}(StopMathJax) stands for the joint density of (StartMathJax)(N_{t+1,r},C_{t+1,r})(StopMathJax) conditional on (StartMathJax)(N_{t,r},C_{t,r})(StopMathJax). Notice that (StartMathJax)C_{t+1,r}(StopMathJax) is drawn by nature according to (StartMathJax)G_{C,r}(\cdot|C_{t,r})(StopMathJax) independently of (StartMathJax)N_{t+1,r}(StopMathJax). Moreover, by the structure of the game, firms' decisions, which determine (StartMathJax)N_{t+1,r}(StopMathJax), are made prior to the draw of (StartMathJax)C_{t+1,r}(StopMathJax) and are therefore not affected by (StartMathJax)C_{t+1,r}(StopMathJax). Hence, we can write the likelihood contribution as the product of the conditional densities:


(StartMathJax) \ell_{t+1,r}\left(\theta\right) = f_{C_{t+1,r}}\left(c' | C_{t,r}=c;\theta_C\right) \cdot f_{N_{t+1,r}}\left(n' | C_{t,r}=c,N_{t,r}=n;\theta_C,\theta_P,\theta_W\right) (StopMathJax)

where (StartMathJax)f_{C_{t+1,r}}(StopMathJax) and (StartMathJax)f_{N_{t+1,r}}(StopMathJax) denote the conditional densities. The expression for the conditional density of (StartMathJax)N_{t+1,r}(StopMathJax) equals (StartMathJax)p\left(N_{r,t+1}\;|\;N_{r,t},C_{r,t};\theta\right)(StopMathJax). That is,


(StartMathJax) f_{N_{t+1,r}}\left(n' | C_{t,r}=c,N_{t,r}=n;\theta_C,\theta_P,\theta_W\right) = \Pr(N_{r,t+1}=n'|N_{r,t}=n,C_{r,t}=c;\theta) \equiv p\left(N_{r,t+1}\;|\;N_{r,t},C_{r,t};\theta\right) (StopMathJax)

The conditional density of (StartMathJax)N_{t+1,r}(StopMathJax) is the probability that market (StartMathJax)r(StopMathJax) with (StartMathJax)n(StopMathJax) firms in demand state (StartMathJax)c(StopMathJax) has (StartMathJax)n'(StopMathJax) firms next period. Also, the conditional density of the demand process is given in the paper by the function (StartMathJax)g_C(StopMathJax). That is,


(StartMathJax) f_{C_{t+1,r}}\left(c' | C_{t,r}=c;\theta_C\right) = g_C \left(C_{t+1,r} |C_{t,r}; \theta_C\right) (StopMathJax)

The likelihood function is then defined as in the paper:


(StartMathJax) \mathcal{L}\left(\theta\right)= \mathcal{L}_C\left( \theta_C\right) \cdot \mathcal{L}_N\left(\theta\right) (StopMathJax)



(StartMathJax) \mathcal{L}_C\left(\theta_C\right) = \prod_{r=1}^{\check r} \prod_{t=1}^{\check t-1} g_C\left(C_{t+1,r} |C_{t,r}; \theta_C \right) (StopMathJax)


(StartMathJax) \mathcal{L}_N\left(\theta\right) = \prod_{r=1}^{\check r} \prod_{t=1}^{\check t-1} p\left(N_{r,t+1}\; | \;N_{r,t},C_{r,t};\theta \right) (StopMathJax)

(StartMathJax)\mathcal{L}_C\left(\theta_C\right)(StopMathJax) can be calculated easily from demand data alone, with no need to solve the model, as (StartMathJax)g_C\left(C_{t+1,r} |C_{t,r};\theta_C\right)(StopMathJax) translates to entries in the transition matrix of the demand process. In contrast, computing (StartMathJax)\mathcal{L}_N\left(\theta \right)(StopMathJax) requires solving for the equilibrium of the model.

The three-steps estimation procedure is as described in Rust (1987):

  1. Estimate (StartMathJax)\theta_C(StopMathJax) with (StartMathJax)\tilde\theta_C\equiv\arg \max_{\theta_C}{\cal L}_C(\theta_C)(StopMathJax).
  2. Estimate (StartMathJax)(\theta_P, \theta_W)(StopMathJax) with (StartMathJax)(\tilde\theta_P,\tilde\theta_W)\equiv\arg\max_{(\theta_P,\theta_W)}{\cal L}_N(\theta_P,\tilde\theta_C,\theta_W)(StopMathJax).
  3. Estimate (StartMathJax)\theta(StopMathJax) by maximizing the full likelihood function (StartMathJax)\hat\theta\equiv\arg\max_\theta{\cal L}(\theta)(StopMathJax), using (StartMathJax)\tilde\theta\equiv(\tilde\theta_P,\tilde\theta_C,\tilde\theta_W)(StopMathJax) as starting value.

The first two steps are thus used for providing starting values for the full information maximum likelihood (FIML) in Step 3. As can be seen from experimenting with the code, the first two steps provide very good starting values for the FIML, which therefore converges after only a small number of iterations. Note that it is the second step which gives the procedure the name NXFP: solving the model entails solving for the fixed point of the value functions, and this is nested within the optimization procedure that maximizes the likelihood.

The starting values for the first step are directly calculated from the data as the mean and standard deviation of the innovations of logged demand. The starting values for (StartMathJax)\theta_P(StopMathJax) and (StartMathJax)\theta_W(StopMathJax) in the second step are randomly drawn from a uniform distribution with support (StartMathJax)[1,5](StopMathJax).

The next subsections describe each of the three steps. Standard errors are computed using the outer-product-of-the-gradient method. Since the FIML is asymptotically efficient, while the estimators in the first two steps are not, we only discuss the computation of standard errors in the third step.

21Likelihood Step 1: Estimate (StartMathJax)\theta_C(StopMathJax)

This function computes the first step likelihood function from demand data. This function takes as inputs the Data structure (from which the matrix data.C will be used), the Settings structure, and the estimates vector which consists of (StartMathJax)\mu_C(StopMathJax) and (StartMathJax)\sigma_C(StopMathJax). The output of the function is the negative log likelihood ll and the (StartMathJax)(\check t -1)\cdot \check r \times1(StopMathJax) vector of likelihood contributions likeCont. Notice that the data contains (StartMathJax)\check t(StopMathJax) time periods, which gives us (StartMathJax)\check t -1(StopMathJax) transitions to construct the likelihood function.

likelihoodStep1.m11function [ll, likeCont] = likelihoodStep1(Data , Settings, estimates)

We look for transitions from (StartMathJax)C_{t,r}(StopMathJax) to (StartMathJax)C_{t+1,r}(StopMathJax) for (StartMathJax)t=1,\ldots,\check t-1(StopMathJax). Start by constructing two matrices of size (StartMathJax)(\check t -1)\times \check r (StopMathJax) named from and to, which include (StartMathJax)C_{t,r}(StopMathJax) and (StartMathJax)C_{t+1,r}(StopMathJax), respectively, for (StartMathJax)t=1,\ldots,\check t-1(StopMathJax) and (StartMathJax)r=1,\ldots,\check r (StopMathJax). Thus, from and to are vectors with as many elements as there are transitions in the data.

likelihoodStep1.m19from = Data.C(1:(Settings.tCheck - 1), 1:Settings.rCheck);
likelihoodStep1.m20to = Data.C(2:Settings.tCheck, 1:Settings.rCheck);

We allocate the (StartMathJax)(\check t -1)\cdot \check r \times1(StopMathJax) likelihood contribution vector and set its value to NaN:

likelihoodStep1.m24likeCont = NaN(size(from(:),1), 1);

Assign muC and sigmaC, the values with respect to which we will maximize this likelihood function from the input estimates.

likelihoodStep1.m28muC = estimates(1);
likelihoodStep1.m29sigmaC = estimates(2);

Now, compute the likelihood for each transition that is observed in the data given muC and sigmaC. For all transitions, calculate likelihood contributions according to Tauchen(1986). We make a distinction between transitions to interior points of the demand grid and transitions to points on the boundary.

Transitions to an interior point yield a likelihood contribution of


(StartMathJax) \Pi_{i,j} = Pr\left[C'=c_{[j]} |C=c_{[i]}\right] = \Phi\left(\frac{\log c_{[j]} - \log c_{[i]} +\frac{d}{2}-\mu_C}{\sigma_C}\right) - \Phi\left(\frac{\log c_{[j]} - \log c_{[i]} -\frac{d}{2}-\mu_C}{\sigma_C}\right) (StopMathJax)

Similarly, transition to the lower and upper bound yield likelihood contributions of


(StartMathJax) \Pi_{i,1} = Pr\left[C'=c_{[1]} |C=c_{[i]}\right] = \Phi\left(\frac{\log c_{[1]} - \log c_{[i]} +\frac{d}{2}-\mu_C}{\sigma_C}\right) (StopMathJax)



(StartMathJax) \Pi_{i,\check c} = Pr\left[C'=c_{[\check c]} |C=c_{[i]}\right] = 1-\Phi\left(\frac{\log c_{[\check c]} - \log c_{[i]} -\frac{d}{2}-\mu_C}{\sigma_C}\right), (StopMathJax)


We then take the log of the contributions, sum them up, and return the negative log-likelihood contribution.

likelihoodStep1.m63selectInteriorTransitions = to > 1 & to < Settings.cCheck;
likelihoodStep1.m66 = normcdf((Settings.logGrid(to(selectInteriorTransitions))
likelihoodStep1.m67 - Settings.logGrid(from(selectInteriorTransitions)) + Settings.d / 2 - muC) / sigmaC)
likelihoodStep1.m68 - normcdf((Settings.logGrid(to(selectInteriorTransitions))
likelihoodStep1.m69 - Settings.logGrid(from(selectInteriorTransitions)) - Settings.d / 2 - muC) / sigmaC);
likelihoodStep1.m71likeCont(to == 1) = normcdf((Settings.logGrid(1) -
likelihoodStep1.m72 Settings.logGrid(from(to == 1)) + Settings.d / 2 - muC) / sigmaC);
likelihoodStep1.m74likeCont(to == Settings.cCheck) = 1 - normcdf((Settings.logGrid(Settings.cCheck)
likelihoodStep1.m75 - Settings.logGrid(from(to == Settings.cCheck)) - Settings.d / 2 - muC) / sigmaC);
likelihoodStep1.m77ll = -sum(log(likeCont));

This concludes likelihoodStep1.


22Likelihood Step 2: Estimate (StartMathJax)(\theta_P,\theta_W)(StopMathJax)

We now construct the likelihood contributions that result from the number of firms evolving from (StartMathJax)n(StopMathJax) to (StartMathJax)n'(StopMathJax). Recall that we obtain cost-shock thresholds for entry and survival, defined by (StartMathJax)\overline w_{E}(n,c) \equiv \log v_{S}(n,c) - \log\left(1 + \varphi\right)(StopMathJax) and (StartMathJax)\overline w_{S}(n,c)\equiv \log v_{S}(n,c)(StopMathJax). We consider five mutually exclusive cases.

  • Case I: (StartMathJax)\mathbf{n' \gt n}(StopMathJax). If the number of firms increases from (StartMathJax)n(StopMathJax) to (StartMathJax)n'(StopMathJax), then it must be profitable for the (StartMathJax)n'(StopMathJax)th firm to enter, but not for the (StartMathJax)(n'+1)(StopMathJax)th: (StartMathJax)\overline w_{E}(n'+1,c)\leq w \lt \overline w_{E}(n',c)(StopMathJax). The probability of this event is


    (StartMathJax) \label{app:eq:llhcontr1} G_W\left[\overline w_{E}(n',c)\right]-G_W\left[\overline w_{E}(n'+1,c)\right]. (StopMathJax)

  • Case II: (StartMathJax)\mathbf{0 \lt n' \lt n}(StopMathJax). If the number of firms decreases from (StartMathJax)n(StopMathJax) to (StartMathJax)n'(StopMathJax), with (StartMathJax)0 \lt n' \lt n(StopMathJax), then the realization of (StartMathJax)W(StopMathJax) must be such that firms exit with probability (StartMathJax)a_{S}(n,c,w)\in(0,1)(StopMathJax). Thus, the cost shock must be high enough so that (StartMathJax)n(StopMathJax) firms cannot survive profitably, (StartMathJax)w\geq\overline w_{S}(n,c)(StopMathJax), but low enough for a monopolist to survive profitably, (StartMathJax)w \lt \overline w_{S}(1,c)(StopMathJax). Given such value (StartMathJax)w(StopMathJax), (StartMathJax)N'(StopMathJax) is binomially distributed with success probability (StartMathJax)a_{S}(n,c,w)(StopMathJax) and population size (StartMathJax)n(StopMathJax). Hence, the probability of observing a transition from (StartMathJax)n(StopMathJax) to (StartMathJax)n'(StopMathJax) with (StartMathJax)0 \lt n' \lt n(StopMathJax) equals


    (StartMathJax) \label{app:eq:llhcontr2} \int_{\overline w_{S}(n,c)}^{\overline w_{S}(1,c)} {n \choose n'} a_{S}(n,c,w)^{n'}\left[1-a_{S}(n,c,w)\right]^{n-n'} g_W(w)dw, (StopMathJax)

    where (StartMathJax)g_W(StopMathJax) is the density of (StartMathJax)G_W(StopMathJax). The integrand in (24) involves the mixing probabilities (StartMathJax)a_{S}(n,c,w)(StopMathJax). We discuss how we compute this integral in detail below.

  • Case III: (StartMathJax)\mathbf{n'=0, n \gt 0}(StopMathJax). All firms exiting can be the result of two events. First, it is not profitable for even a single firm to continue, (StartMathJax)w \geq \overline w_{S}(1,c)(StopMathJax). Second, it is profitable for some but not all firms to continue, (StartMathJax)\overline w_{S}(n,c) \leq w \lt \overline w_{S}(1,c)(StopMathJax), firms exit with probability (StartMathJax)a_S(n,c)\in(0,1)(StopMathJax) as in Case II, and by chance none of the (StartMathJax)n(StopMathJax) firms survives. The probability of these events is


    (StartMathJax) \label{app:eq:llhcontr3} 1-G_W\left[\overline w_{S}(1,c)\right] +\int_{\overline w_{S}(n,c)}^{\overline w_{S}(1,c)}\left[1-a_{S}(n,c,w)\right]^{n} g_W(w)dw. (StopMathJax)

  • Case IV: (StartMathJax)\mathbf{n'=0, n=0}(StopMathJax). In this case, the market is populated by zero firms and it is not profitable for a monopolist to enter. The probability of this event is given by


    (StartMathJax) \label{app:eq:llhcontr4} 1-G_W\left[\overline w_{E}(1,c)\right]. (StopMathJax)

  • Case V: (StartMathJax)\mathbf{n' = n \gt 0}(StopMathJax). If there is neither entry nor exit, then either no firm finds it profitable to enter and all (StartMathJax)n(StopMathJax) incumbents find it profitable to stay, (StartMathJax)\overline w_{E}(n+1,c) \leq w \lt \overline w_{S}(n,c),(StopMathJax) or the (StartMathJax)n(StopMathJax) incumbents mix as in Cases II and III, but by chance end up all staying. The probability of these events is


    (StartMathJax) \label{app:eq:llhcontr5} G_W\left[\overline w_{S}(n,c)\right]-G_W\left[\overline w_{E}(n+1,c)\right] + \int_{\overline w_{S}(n,c)}^{\overline w_{S}(1,c)} a_{S}(n,c,w)^{n} g_W(w)dw. (StopMathJax)

We compute the likelihood using the function likelihoodStep2 that requires as inputs the structures Data, Settings, and Param, and the vector estimates as inputs. It returns the scalar valued negative log-likelihood function ll and a column vector of length (StartMathJax)\check r \times (\check t - 1)(StopMathJax) containing the market-time-specific likelihood contributions, likeCont.

likelihoodStep2.m76function [ll, likeCont] = likelihoodStep2(Data, Settings, Param, estimates)

We start by mapping the vector estimates into the corresponding elements in the Param structure. We do this using anonymous functions that are defined in the structure Settings. By construction, Param.k is a vector of length (StartMathJax)\check{n}(StopMathJax). Param.phi and are scalars.

likelihoodStep2.m83Param.k = Settings.estimates2k(estimates);
likelihoodStep2.m84Param.phi = Settings.estimates2phi(estimates); = Settings.estimates2omega(estimates);

Now we use valueFunctionIteration to solve the model by iterating on the post-survival value function. We also retrieve pStay, pEntry and pEntrySet, which are the probability of certain survival and the entry probabilities as described in valueFunctionIteration above.

likelihoodStep2.m93[vS,pEntry,pEntrySet,pStay] = valueFunctionIteration(Settings, Param);

Next we collect the transitions observed in the data and vectorize them. The column vectors from, to, and demand are all of length (StartMathJax)(\check t - 1) \times \check r(StopMathJax).

likelihoodStep2.m99vec = @(x) x(:);
likelihoodStep2.m100from = vec(Data.N(1:Settings.tCheck - 1, 1:Settings.rCheck));
likelihoodStep2.m101to = vec(Data.N(2:Settings.tCheck, 1:Settings.rCheck));
likelihoodStep2.m102demand = vec(Data.C(1:(Settings.tCheck - 1), 1:Settings.rCheck));

Here and throughout we will convert subscripts to linear indices using the Matlab function sub2ind.

We store the likelihood contributions in five vectors, each corresponding to one of the five cases outlined above. We allocate these vectors here and set all of their elements to zero.

likelihoodStep2.m111llhContributionsCaseI = zeros(size(from));
likelihoodStep2.m112llhContributionsCaseII = zeros(size(from));
likelihoodStep2.m113llhContributionsCaseIII = zeros(size(from));
likelihoodStep2.m114llhContributionsCaseIV = zeros(size(from));
likelihoodStep2.m115llhContributionsCaseV = zeros(size(from));

Case I: We store all of the likelihood contributions resulting from entry in the vector llhContributionsCaseI.

likelihoodStep2.m119selectMarketsCaseI = to > from;
likelihoodStep2.m120llhContributionsCaseI(selectMarketsCaseI) =
likelihoodStep2.m121 pEntrySet(sub2ind(size(pEntrySet),
likelihoodStep2.m122 to(selectMarketsCaseI),
likelihoodStep2.m123 demand(selectMarketsCaseI)));

Case II: We store all of the likelihood contributions resulting from exit to a non-zero number of firms in the vector llhContributionsCaseII.

likelihoodStep2.m128selectMarketsCaseII = from > to & to > 0;
likelihoodStep2.m129llhContributionsCaseII(selectMarketsCaseII) =
likelihoodStep2.m130 mixingIntegral(from(selectMarketsCaseII),
likelihoodStep2.m131 to(selectMarketsCaseII),
likelihoodStep2.m132 demand(selectMarketsCaseII),
likelihoodStep2.m133 vS, Param, Settings);

Note that this case involves computing the integral over mixed strategy play, which we do in the function mixingIntegral. We document its content below.

Case III: We store all of the likelihood contributions resulting from transitions to zero (from a positive number of firms) in llhContributionsCaseIII.

likelihoodStep2.m141selectMarketsCaseIII = to == 0 & from > 0;
likelihoodStep2.m142llhContributionsCaseIII(selectMarketsCaseIII) =
likelihoodStep2.m143 1 - pStay(1, demand(selectMarketsCaseIII))' +
likelihoodStep2.m144 mixingIntegral(from(selectMarketsCaseIII),
likelihoodStep2.m145 to(selectMarketsCaseIII),
likelihoodStep2.m146 demand(selectMarketsCaseIII),
likelihoodStep2.m147 vS, Param, Settings);

Case IV: We store all of the likelihood contributions resulting from when the number of active firms remains at zero in llhContributionsCaseIV.

likelihoodStep2.m152selectMarketsCaseIV = to == 0 & from == 0;
likelihoodStep2.m153llhContributionsCaseIV(selectMarketsCaseIV) =
likelihoodStep2.m154 1 - pEntry(1, demand(selectMarketsCaseIV))';

Case V: We store all of the likelihood contributions resulting from the number of firms staying the same in llhContributionsCaseV.

likelihoodStep2.m158selectMarketsCaseV = from == to & to > 0;
likelihoodStep2.m159llhContributionsCaseV(selectMarketsCaseV) =
likelihoodStep2.m160 pStay(sub2ind(size(pStay),
likelihoodStep2.m161 from(selectMarketsCaseV),
likelihoodStep2.m162 demand(selectMarketsCaseV))) -
likelihoodStep2.m163 pEntry(sub2ind(size(pEntry),
likelihoodStep2.m164 from(selectMarketsCaseV) + 1,
likelihoodStep2.m165 demand(selectMarketsCaseV))) +
likelihoodStep2.m166 mixingIntegral(from(selectMarketsCaseV),
likelihoodStep2.m167 to(selectMarketsCaseV),
likelihoodStep2.m168 demand(selectMarketsCaseV),
likelihoodStep2.m169 vS, Param, Settings);

Finally, we sum up the likelihood contributions from the five cases and return the negative log likelihood function. When ll is not real valued, the negative log likelihood is set to inf.

likelihoodStep2.m175ll = -sum(log(llhContributionsCaseI +
likelihoodStep2.m176 llhContributionsCaseII +
likelihoodStep2.m177 llhContributionsCaseIII +
likelihoodStep2.m178 llhContributionsCaseIV +
likelihoodStep2.m179 llhContributionsCaseV));
likelihoodStep2.m181if(isnan(ll) || max(real(ll)~=ll) == 1)
likelihoodStep2.m182 ll = inf;

If two outputs are requested, we also return the likelihood contributions:

likelihoodStep2.m188if(nargout == 2)
likelihoodStep2.m189 likeCont = llhContributionsCaseI +
likelihoodStep2.m190 llhContributionsCaseII +
likelihoodStep2.m191 llhContributionsCaseIII +
likelihoodStep2.m192 llhContributionsCaseIV +
likelihoodStep2.m193 llhContributionsCaseV;

This concludes likelihoodStep2.

We still need to specify what exactly happens in the function mixingIntegral.

Computing the integral resulting from mixed strategy play

For a given survival strategy (StartMathJax)a_S(n,c,w)(StopMathJax), the likelihood contribution from (purely) mixed strategy play is given by


(StartMathJax) \label{eq:likelihood_mixing_integral} \int_{\log v_S(n,c)}^{\log v_S(1,c)} {n \choose n'} a_S(n,c,w)^{n'} \left(1-a_S(n,c,w)\right)^{n-n'} g_W(w) dw. (StopMathJax)

The term inside the integral is the probability mass function of a binomial distribution function with success probability (StartMathJax)a_S(n,c,w)(StopMathJax). The survival strategies are defined by the indifference condition


(StartMathJax) \label{eq:indifference2} \sum_{n'=1}^{n} {n - 1 \choose n' - 1} a_S^{n' - 1}\left(1-a_S\right)^{n-n'} \left(- \exp(w)+v_{S}(n',c)\right)=0. (StopMathJax)

In principle, we could compute the integral in (28) directly by naively numerically integrating over (StartMathJax)W(StopMathJax). In practice, it is computationally convenient to do a change of variables and integrate over the survival strategies (StartMathJax)a_S(n,c,\cdot)(StopMathJax) instead. To make an explicit distinction between the survival strategy (StartMathJax)a_S(n,c,w)(StopMathJax), which is a function of (StartMathJax)n(StopMathJax), (StartMathJax)c(StopMathJax), and (StartMathJax)w(StopMathJax), and the variable of integration, which is just a scalar. We will refer to the latter as (StartMathJax)p(StopMathJax). Thus, for a given value of (StartMathJax)p(StopMathJax), we need to find the value of (StartMathJax)w(StopMathJax) such that (StartMathJax)p = a_S(n,c,w)(StopMathJax).

Equation (29) defines the inverse (StartMathJax)a_S^{-1}(p;c,n)(StopMathJax) for which


(StartMathJax) a_S^{-1}(a_S(n,c,w);c,n) = w. (StopMathJax)

This inverse function can be solved for analytically and it is given by


(StartMathJax) \underbrace{a_S^{-1}(p;c,n)}_{\textbf{aSinv}} = \log\left(\underbrace{\sum_{n'=1}^{n} {n - 1 \choose n' - 1} p^{n' - 1}\left(1 - p\right)^{n-n'} v_{S}(n',c) }_{\textbf{expaSInv}}\right) (StopMathJax)

Then note that (StartMathJax)a_S^{-1}(1;c,n) = \log v_S(n,c)(StopMathJax) and (StartMathJax)a_S^{-1}(0;c,n) = \log v_S(1,c)(StopMathJax). We can write the likelihood contribution as an integral over (StartMathJax)p(StopMathJax):


(StartMathJax) \begin{split} &\int_{1}^{0} {n \choose n'} p^{n'}\left(1 - p\right)^{n-n'} \times \frac{da_S^{-1}(p;c,n)}{dp}g_{W}\left[a_S^{-1}(p;c,n)\right] dp \\ = &-\int_{0}^{1} {n \choose n'} p^{n'}\left(1 - p\right)^{n-n'} \times \frac{da_S^{-1}(p;c,n)}{dp}g_{W}\left[a_S^{-1}(p;c,n)\right] dp \\ \approx &-\sum_{jX=1}^J {n \choose n'} p_{jX}^{n'} \left(1 - p_{j}\right)^{n-n'} \times \underbrace{\underbrace{\frac{da_S^{-1}(p_{j};c,n)}{dp}}_{\textbf{daSinvdP}} \underbrace{g_{W}\left[a_S^{-1}(p_{j};c,n)\right]}_{\textbf{normaSinv}} \underbrace{w_{j}}_{\textbf{intWeights}}}_{\textbf{mixingDensity}}, \end{split} \label{llContrMixing} (StopMathJax)

where (StartMathJax)p_{1}, ..., p_{J}(StopMathJax) refer to the Gauss-Legendre nodes and (StartMathJax)w_{1}, ..., w_{J}(StopMathJax) to the corresponding weights. Notice that the integration bounds are now 0 and 1 since if (StartMathJax)w \lt \log v_S(n,c)(StopMathJax) the firms surely survive and when (StartMathJax)w \gt \log v_S(1,c)(StopMathJax) the firms surely exit. Differentiation of (StartMathJax)a_S^{-1}(p;c,n)(StopMathJax) gives


(StartMathJax) \underbrace{\frac{da_S^{-1}(p;c,n)}{dp}}_{\textbf{daSinvdP}} = \overbrace{ \sum_{n'=1}^{n} \overbrace{{n - 1 \choose n' - 1} \left(p^{n'-2} (1 - p)^{(n-n' - 1)}\left((n' - 1) (1 - p) - p (n-n')\right)\right)}^{\textbf{dbinomialPmfdP}} v_{S}(n',c)}^{\textbf{dexpaSInvdP}} \frac{1}{\underbrace{\exp(a_S^{-1}(p;c,n))}_{\textbf{expaSInv}}} (StopMathJax)

Now, compute the matrix mixingDensity using (34). mixingDensity is of dimension Settings.integrationLength by Settings.cCheck by Settings.nCheck. It is defined as


(StartMathJax) \text{mixingDensity(j,c,n)} = \underbrace{\frac{da_S^{-1}(p_{j};c,n)}{dp}}_{\textbf{daSinvdP}} \underbrace{g_{W}\left[a_S^{-1}(p_{j};c,n)\right]}_{\textbf{normaSinv}} \underbrace{w_{j}}_{\textbf{intWeights}}. \label{mixingDensity} (StopMathJax)

The element (StartMathJax)(p_{j}, c, n)(StopMathJax) gives us the density of the mixing probability (StartMathJax)p_{j}(StopMathJax) when demand equals (StartMathJax)c(StopMathJax) and the current number of incumbents is (StartMathJax)n(StopMathJax).

In the function mixingIntegral we compute the integral in equation (28) for a range of different combinations of (StartMathJax)n(StopMathJax), (StartMathJax)n'(StopMathJax), and (StartMathJax)c(StopMathJax) using the change of variable introduced above. The function mixingIntegral takes as arguments the vectors from, to, and demand, which correspond to (StartMathJax)n(StopMathJax), (StartMathJax)n'(StopMathJax), and (StartMathJax)c(StopMathJax), respectively. The function also takes as argument vS, the equilibrium post-survival value functions, and the Param and Settings structures. The function returns a vector llhContributionsMixing that is of the same dimension as the inputs from, to, and demand.

mixingIntegral.m102function [llhContributionsMixing] =
mixingIntegral.m103 mixingIntegral(from, to, demand, vS, Param, Settings)

Note that mixed strategy play is only relevant for markets with at least two firms. We define the auxiliary variable expaSInv, which equals expaSInv = exp(aSinv(:, :, n)). dexpaSInvdP is another auxiliary variable that stores the derivative of expaSInv with respect to p. Then assemble expaSInv and dexpaSInvdP by looping over the possible outcomes from mixing nPrime=0,...,n. nPrime=0 refers to the case when all firms leave due to mixed strategy play and nPrime=n refers to the case when all firm stay due to mixed strategy play. Then, use val to compute aSinv and compute the derivative with respect to p and store it as daSinvdP. Lastly, we compute the mixing density.

We pre-compute nchoosekMatrixPlusOne which is a matrix of size (StartMathJax)\check n + 1(StopMathJax) by (StartMathJax)\check n + 1(StopMathJax), where element (StartMathJax)(i,j)(StopMathJax) contains (StartMathJax)i - 1 \choose j - 1(StopMathJax). The copious naming and indexing convention is owed to the fact that Matlab indexing starts at one, not zero, so element (StartMathJax)(1,1)(StopMathJax) corresponds to (StartMathJax)0 \choose 0(StopMathJax). Pre-computing this matrix is helpful, because factorial operations are computationally demanding.

mixingIntegral.m125nchoosekMatrixPlusOne = ones(Settings.nCheck + 1);
mixingIntegral.m127for nX=2:Settings.nCheck
mixingIntegral.m128 for iX=0:(nX - 1)
mixingIntegral.m129 nchoosekMatrixPlusOne(nX + 1, iX + 1) = nchoosek(nX, iX);
mixingIntegral.m130 end

We then set up to compute the matrix mixingDensity, as given by (34).

mixingIntegral.m136mixingDensity = zeros(Settings.integrationLength,
mixingIntegral.m137 Settings.cCheck,
mixingIntegral.m138 Settings.nCheck);
mixingIntegral.m140aSinv = zeros(Settings.integrationLength,
mixingIntegral.m141 Settings.cCheck,
mixingIntegral.m142 Settings.nCheck);
mixingIntegral.m144daSinvdP = zeros(Settings.integrationLength,
mixingIntegral.m145 Settings.cCheck,
mixingIntegral.m146 Settings.nCheck);
mixingIntegral.m148p = Settings.integrationNodes;
mixingIntegral.m149w = Settings.integrationWeights;
mixingIntegral.m151for n = 2:Settings.nCheck
mixingIntegral.m153 expaSInv = zeros(length(p), Settings.cCheck);
mixingIntegral.m154 dexpaSInvdP = zeros(length(p), Settings.cCheck);
mixingIntegral.m156 for nPrime = 1:n
mixingIntegral.m158 nChoosek = nchoosekMatrixPlusOne(n, nPrime);
mixingIntegral.m159 binomialPmf = nChoosek .* repmat(p .^ (nPrime - 1)
mixingIntegral.m160 .* (1 - p) .^ (n - nPrime), 1, Settings.cCheck);
mixingIntegral.m161 dbinomialPmfdP = nChoosek .* repmat(p .^ (nPrime-2)
mixingIntegral.m162 .* (1 - p) .^ (n - nPrime - 1)
mixingIntegral.m163 .* ((nPrime - 1) .* (1 - p) - p .* (n - nPrime)), 1, Settings.cCheck);
mixingIntegral.m164 repvS = repmat(vS(nPrime, :), Settings.integrationLength,1);
mixingIntegral.m165 expaSInv = expaSInv + binomialPmf .* repvS ;
mixingIntegral.m166 dexpaSInvdP = dexpaSInvdP + dbinomialPmfdP .* repvS;
mixingIntegral.m168 end
mixingIntegral.m170 aSinv(:, :, n) = log(expaSInv);
mixingIntegral.m171 daSinvdP(:, :, n) = dexpaSInvdP ./ expaSInv;
mixingIntegral.m173 intWeights = repmat(w, 1, Settings.cCheck);
mixingIntegral.m174 normaSinv = normpdf(aSinv(:, :, n), -.5*^2,;
mixingIntegral.m175 mixingDensity(:, :, n) = daSinvdP(:, :, n) .* normaSinv .* intWeights;

With the matrix mixingDensity in hand, we can compute the likelihood contributions from mixed strategy play using (32). Note that this time, we cannot avoid the use of loops altogether. However, we only need to loop over all those observations where “purely” mixed strategy play does in fact occur.

mixingIntegral.m184llhContributionsMixing = zeros(length(from), 1);
mixingIntegral.m185for jX = 1:length(from)
mixingIntegral.m186 if(from(jX) > 1)
mixingIntegral.m187 nChoosek = nchoosekMatrixPlusOne(from(jX) + 1, to(jX) + 1);
mixingIntegral.m188 llhContributionsMixing(jX) =
mixingIntegral.m189 - sum(nChoosek .* p .^ to(jX) .* (1 - p) .^ (from(jX) - to(jX))
mixingIntegral.m190 .* mixingDensity(:, demand(jX), from(jX)));
mixingIntegral.m191 end

Note that it is possible to improve the performance of the code by only calling this function once instead of three times as we currently do in the likelihood function computation. However, that makes the code somewhat more difficult to follow, which is why we opted for the slightly slower version.


23Likelihood Step 3: Estimate (StartMathJax)(\theta_C, \theta_P, \theta_W)(StopMathJax)

This function computes the full information likelihood. This step only involves taking the product of the likelihood contributions from the first two steps. Here we will also go over the computation of standard errors. The function likelihoodStep3 requires the structures Data, Settings, and Param, and the vector estimates as inputs. The arguments returned include the negative log likelihood function ll, a vector of standard errors se, a vector of the likelihood contributions likeCont, and the covariance matrix covariance.

likelihoodStep3.m12function [ll, se, likeCont, covariance] = likelihoodStep3(data, Settings, Param, estimates)

Create the transition probability matrix based on the estimates for muC and sigmaC which are stored as the last two elements in estimates. Then retrieve the vectors of likelihood contributions from the first two steps and compute the negative log likelihood function of the third step:

likelihoodStep3.m19Param = markov(Param, Settings, estimates(end - 1), estimates(end));
likelihoodStep3.m20[~, likeCont1] = likelihoodStep1(data, Settings, estimates(end - 1:end));
likelihoodStep3.m21[~, likeCont2] = likelihoodStep2(data, Settings, Param, estimates(1:end - 2));
likelihoodStep3.m22ll = -sum(log(likeCont1) + log(likeCont2));

This completes the construction of the full information negative log likelihood function. When only one output argument is requested, then the function is done.

likelihoodStep3.m28 return;

When three output arguments are requested, the function returns the likelihood contributions, which are simply the element-by-element product of the likelihood contributions vectors from the first two steps. In this case, we return no standard errors, i.e. we set se=[].

likelihoodStep3.m36 se = [];
likelihoodStep3.m37 likeCont = likeCont1 .* likeCont2;
likelihoodStep3.m38 return;

Now, consider the case, when exactly two output arguments are requested. In this case, we want to compute the standard errors. As discussed in the paper, standard errors are computed using the outer-product-of-the-gradient estimator of the information matrix. When two output arguments are requested when calling likelihootStep3.m, the function will return standard errors in addition to the log likelihood function. When three output arguments are requested, the function also returns the likelihood contributions. Define the matrix of perturbations, which is simply a diagonal matrix with Settings.fdStep on each diagonal element.

likelihoodStep3.m52epsilon = eye(length(estimates)) * Settings.fdStep;

Next, get the likelihood contributions at the parameter values in estimates:

likelihoodStep3.m57likeCont = likeCont1 .* likeCont2;

Now, given the likelihood contribution (StartMathJax)\ell(\theta) \equiv \ell(\theta_j, \theta_{-j})(StopMathJax) we compute for each parameter (StartMathJax)\theta_j(StopMathJax) the positively and negatively perturbed likelihood contributions (StartMathJax)\ell(\theta_j+\epsilon,\theta_{-j})(StopMathJax) and (StartMathJax)\ell(\theta_j-\epsilon,\theta_{-j})(StopMathJax). The gradients of the negative log likelihood contributions are then computed using central finite differences:


(StartMathJax) \frac{\partial \log\left(\ell\left( \theta\right)\right)}{\partial \theta_j} = \frac{\partial \log\left( \ell\left(\theta\right)\right)}{\partial \ell\left(\theta\right)} \cdot \frac{d \ell\left(\theta\right))}{d \theta_j} \approx \frac{\partial \log\left(\ell\left(\theta\right)\right)}{\partial \ell\left(\theta\right)} \cdot \frac{ \ell\left( \theta_j+\epsilon,\theta_{-j}\right) - \ell\left( \theta_j-\epsilon,\theta_{-j}\right))}{2\epsilon} (StopMathJax)

The matrix of gradient contributions gradCont has (StartMathJax)(\check t - 1)\cdot \check r (StopMathJax) rows and one column for each parameter with respect to which we are differentiating the logged likelihood contributions.

likelihoodStep3.m83gradCont = zeros(Settings.rCheck*(Settings.tCheck - 1), length(estimates));
likelihoodStep3.m85for j = 1:length(estimates)
likelihoodStep3.m86 [~, ~, likeContribPlus] = likelihoodStep3(data, Settings, Param, estimates + epsilon(j, :));
likelihoodStep3.m87 [~, ~, likeContribMinus] = likelihoodStep3(data, Settings, Param, estimates - epsilon(j, :));
likelihoodStep3.m88 gradCont(:, j) = (likeContribPlus - likeContribMinus) / (2 * Settings.fdStep) ./ likeCont;

We now have the matrix gradCont where each column is the score with respect to an estimable parameter. This matrix is used to compute the Hessian (full information matrix). We take the sum of the outer-product of the market specific gradients over all markets. A market specific gradient is a row in gradCont. Looping over all rows, in each iteration we compute the outer product of a market specific gradient and add them all up:

likelihoodStep3.m99Hessian = zeros(length(estimates));
likelihoodStep3.m100for iX=1:size(gradCont, 1)
likelihoodStep3.m101 Hessian = Hessian + gradCont(iX, :)' * gradCont(iX, :);

The covariance matrix can be obtained from inverting the Hessian. The standard errors are the square roots of the diagonal entries of the covariance matrix.

likelihoodStep3.m108covariance = inv(Hessian);
likelihoodStep3.m109se = sqrt(diag(covariance))';

This concludes likelihoodStep3.



Here we describe how to generate a synthetic sample with data on the number of active firms and the number of consumers for (StartMathJax)\check r (StopMathJax) markets and (StartMathJax)\check t (StopMathJax) time periods. The data generation process consists of two functions.

31Draw Number of Firms

The function randomFirms randomly draws a realization of the surviving number of active firms (StartMathJax)N'(StopMathJax) given the current period's initial number of active firms (StartMathJax)n(StopMathJax), demand state (StartMathJax)c(StopMathJax) and cost shock (StartMathJax)w(StopMathJax). The computation of the number of firms follows the construction of the unique symmetric Nash equilibrium of the one-shot survival game, which takes advantage of the monotonicity of (StartMathJax)v_S(n,c)(StopMathJax). Given (StartMathJax)n(StopMathJax), (StartMathJax)c(StopMathJax), and (StartMathJax)w(StopMathJax), the possible realizations of (StartMathJax)N'(StopMathJax) can be classified using the following cases:

  • (StartMathJax)v_S(1,c) \leq \exp (w)(StopMathJax): In this case, even a monopolist would not be willing to remain active. Thus, all firms leave the market for sure and there is no entry. This case is only relevant when (StartMathJax)n \gt 0(StopMathJax), i.e. when there is a positive number of incumbents. If the number of incumbents is equal to zero, and the above condition holds, then there will not be any entry and the number of firms remains at zero.
  • (StartMathJax)v_S(n,c) \leq \exp (w) \lt v_S(1,c)(StopMathJax): In this case, a monopolist finds survival profitable, but the current number of firms (StartMathJax)n(StopMathJax) does not. Thus, some firms will be leaving the market and firms' survival strategies satisfy (StartMathJax)a_S(n,c, w) \in (0,1)(StopMathJax). (StartMathJax)N'(StopMathJax) follows a binomial distribution with (StartMathJax)n(StopMathJax) trials and success probability (StartMathJax)a_S(n,c,w)(StopMathJax). This case is only well defined when (StartMathJax)n \gt 1(StopMathJax).
  • (StartMathJax)v_S(n,c) \gt \exp (w) (StopMathJax): All (StartMathJax)n(StopMathJax) incumbents find survival profitable. In addition, there may be some entry. We will use the entry strategies to compute (StartMathJax)n'(StopMathJax). In fact, we will count for how many (StartMathJax)n'(StopMathJax) the entry condition (StartMathJax)v_S(n',c) \gt (1+\varphi) \exp (w) (StopMathJax) is satisfied. This case is only relevant if (StartMathJax)n \lt \check n(StopMathJax), i.e. the current number of incumbents is strictly less than (StartMathJax)\check n(StopMathJax). If (StartMathJax)n=\check n(StopMathJax), there will not be any entry by construction.

The function takes as inputs last period's post-survival number of active firms N, the current number of consumers C, the realized cost shock W, and the equilibrium post-survival value function, vS. N, C, and W are column vectors of length rCheck containing one entry per market. The output is the column vector Nprime of length rCheck, which contains the post-survival number of active firms in each market.

randomFirms.m45function Nprime = randomFirms(N, C, W, Settings, Param, vS)
randomFirms.m47Nprime = NaN(size(N));
randomFirms.m49for nX = 1:Settings.rCheck
randomFirms.m51 switch (true)
randomFirms.m52 % All firms leave (only relevant if N(nX)>0)
randomFirms.m53 case N(nX) > 0 && (vS(1, C(nX)) <= exp(W(nX)))
randomFirms.m54 Nprime(nX) = 0;
randomFirms.m56 % Some firms leave (only relevant if N(nX) > 1)
randomFirms.m57 case N(nX) > 1 && (vS(max(1,N(nX)), C(nX)) <= exp(W(nX)))
randomFirms.m58 aS = mixingProbabilities(N(nX), C(nX), W(nX), vS);
randomFirms.m59 Nprime(nX) = binornd(N(nX), aS);
randomFirms.m61 % All incumbents stay; there may be entry.
randomFirms.m62 case N(nX) < Settings.nCheck && (vS(max(1, N(nX)), C(nX)) > exp(W(nX)))
randomFirms.m63 Nprime(nX) = N(nX) + sum(vS((N(nX) + 1):Settings.nCheck, C(nX))
randomFirms.m64 - (1 + Param.phi) .* exp(W(nX)) > 0);
randomFirms.m66 % Remaining cases include N(nX)=0 and no entry, or N(nX)=Settings.nCheck and no exit).
randomFirms.m67 otherwise
randomFirms.m68 Nprime(nX) = N(nX);
randomFirms.m69 end

This concludes randomFirms.


32Assemble Data Set

This function generates data (StartMathJax)(N,C,W)(StopMathJax) for Settings.rCheck markets and Settings.tCheck time periods. Demand in the first period is drawn from the ergodic distribution. To eliminate initial condition effects, Settings.tBurn+Settings.tCheck periods will be generated, but only the last Settings.tCheck periods will be used. The function requires the structures Settings and Param as inputs. The function returns a Data structure with three (StartMathJax)\check t \times \check r(StopMathJax) matrices N, C, and W, where each entry corresponds to some time period (StartMathJax)t(StopMathJax) in some market (StartMathJax)r(StopMathJax). N contains the number of active firms. C contains the index for the demand grid logGrid that corresponds to the demand state. W consists of realizations of the cost shocks. In practice, W is unobserved to the econometrician and thus we will not use it during the estimation. Here, we return W as additional information that can be used to debug the program or to compute additional statistics, such as the average realized fixed costs or the average realized entry costs.

dgp.m20function Data = dgp(Settings, Param)
dgp.m22N = NaN(Settings.tBurn + Settings.tCheck, Settings.rCheck);
dgp.m23C = NaN(Settings.tBurn + Settings.tCheck, Settings.rCheck);

We now compute the post-survival equilibrium value functions using the function valueFunctionIteration:

dgp.m27vS = valueFunctionIteration(Settings,Param);

The cost shocks are iid across markets and periods, so we can draw them all at once and store them in the matrix W which is of dimension Settings.tBurn + Settings.tCheck by Settings.rCheck.

dgp.m32W = * randn(Settings.tBurn + Settings.tCheck, Settings.rCheck) -0.5 * ^ 2;

Next, we draw an initial demand state from the ergodic distribution of the demand process for each market using the randomDiscr function, which is documented in the appendix. With the initial demand state for each market in hand, for each time period we use the transition matrix to draw the current demand state given the previous state:

dgp.m40C(1,:) = randomDiscr(repmat(Param.demand.ergDist, 1, Settings.rCheck));
dgp.m41for t = 2 : Settings.tBurn + Settings.tCheck
dgp.m42 C(t, :) = randomDiscr(Param.demand.transMat(C(t - 1, :), :)');

The initial number of firms in each market is drawn randomly from a discrete uniform distribution on (StartMathJax)\{{1,2,\ldots ,\check n }\}(StopMathJax). In each period following the first one, the number of firms is generated using the randomFirms function, which randomly draws realizations of the cost shocks and then uses the firms' equilibrium strategies to update the number of active firms. We draw the numbers of firms separately for the burn-in phase and the real sample, because for the latter we also want to store the realized fixed and entry costs.

dgp.m54N(1,:) = randsample(Settings.nCheck, Settings.rCheck, true);
dgp.m56for t = 2:Settings.tBurn+Settings.tCheck
dgp.m57 N(t, :) = randomFirms(N(t - 1, :)', C(t - 1, :)', W(t - 1, :)', Settings, Param, vS);

Now we have the matrices N, C, and W; each of dimension Settings.tBurn + Settings.tCheck by Settings.rCheck. From this, we store only the last Settings.tCheck periods in the structure Data:

dgp.m63Data.C = C((end - Settings.tCheck + 1):end, :);
dgp.m64Data.N = N((end - Settings.tCheck + 1):end, :);
dgp.m65Data.W = W((end - Settings.tCheck + 1):end, :);

This concludes the function dgp.


4Example Script: example.m

The script starts with setting the seed for the random number generators. Setting the seed ensures that the results of this program can be replicated regardless of where and when the code is run. That is, once the seed is set, users can make changes to the code and be sure that changes in the results are not because different random values were generated.

example.m8s = RandStream('mlfg6331_64', 'Seed', 12345);

Next, we define two variable structures. The Settings structure collects various settings used in the remainder of the program. The Param structure collects the true parameter values to be used in the generation of the data.

The NFXP algorithm crucially depends on two tolerance parameters. The tolerance parameters tolInner and tolOuter refer to the inner tolerance for the iteration of the value function when the model is solved, and the outer tolerance for the likelihood optimizations, respectively. As discussed in the paper, we follow Dube et al. (2012) by ensuring that the inner tolerance is smaller than the outer tolerance to prevent false convergence. maxIter stores the maximum number of iteration steps that are allowed during the value function iteration.

example.m26Settings.tolInner = 1e-10;
example.m27Settings.tolOuter = 1e-6;
example.m28Settings.maxIter = 1000;

The maximum number of firms that can ever be sustained in equilibrium is defined as nCheck.

example.m33Settings.nCheck = 5;

There are three parameters that govern the support of the demand process. cCheck is the number of possible demand states. lowBndC and uppBndC are the lower and upper bounds of the demand grid, respectively.

example.m40Settings.cCheck = 200;
example.m41Settings.lowBndC = 0.5;
example.m42Settings.uppBndC = 5;

We define the grid logGrid as a row vector with (StartMathJax)\check c(StopMathJax) elements that are equidistant on the logarithmic scale. d is the distance between any two elements of logGrid.

example.m48Settings.logGrid =
example.m49linspace(log(Settings.lowBndC), log(Settings.uppBndC), Settings.cCheck);
example.m50Settings.d = Settings.logGrid(2) - Settings.logGrid(1);

Next, we define the number of markets rCheck and the number of time periods tCheck. In the data generating process (dgp), we will draw data for tBurn + tCheck periods, but only store the last tCheck time periods of data. tBurn denotes the number of burn-in periods that are used to ensure that the simulated data refers to the approximately ergodic distribution of the model.

example.m59Settings.rCheck = 1000;
example.m60Settings.tCheck = 10;
example.m61Settings.tBurn = 100;

Standard errors are computed using the outer-product-of-the-gradient method. To compute the gradients (likelihood scores) we use two sided finite differences. The parameter fdStep refers to the step size of this approximation.

example.m68Settings.fdStep = 1e-7;

To compute the likelihood contribution of purely mixed strategy play, we will need to numerically integrate over the support of the survival strategies, (StartMathJax)(0,1)(StopMathJax). We will do so using Gauss-Legendre quadrature. integrationLength refers to number of Gauss-Legendre nodes used. We document the function lgwt in the Appendix.

example.m76Settings.integrationLength = 32;
example.m77[Settings.integrationNodes, Settings.integrationWeights] =
example.m78 lgwt(Settings.integrationLength, 0, 1);

We can now define the settings for the optimizer used during the estimation. Note that these options will be used for Matlab's constrained optimization function fmincon.

example.m84options = optimset('Algorithm', 'interior-point', 'Display', 'iter',
example.m85 'TolFun', Settings.tolOuter, 'TolX', Settings.tolOuter,
example.m86 'GradObj', 'off');

We now define the true values listed in the paper for the parameters of the model, starting with the discount factor:

example.m91Param.rho = 1/1.05;

The true values for the estimated parameters in (StartMathJax)\theta(StopMathJax) are defined as

example.m95Param.k = [1.8, 1.4, 1.2, 1, 0.9];
example.m96Param.phi = 10; = 1;
example.m98Param.demand.muC = 0;
example.m99Param.demand.sigmaC = 0.02;

We then collect the true parameter values into a vector for each of the three steps of the estimation procedure.

example.m104Param.truth.step1 = [Param.demand.muC, Param.demand.sigmaC];
example.m105Param.truth.step2 = [Param.k, Param.phi,];
example.m106Param.truth.step3 = [Param.truth.step2, Param.truth.step1];

We now generate a synthetic sample that we will then estimate using the three step estimation procedure. We begin the data generation by computing the transition matrix and the ergodic distribution of the demand process, using the true values for its parameters (StartMathJax)(\mu_C, \sigma_C)(StopMathJax). This is done using the function markov, which creates the (StartMathJax)\check c \times \check c(StopMathJax) transition matrix Param.demand.transMat and the (StartMathJax)\check c \times 1(StopMathJax) ergodic distribution Param.demand.ergdist.

example.m116Param = markov(Param, Settings);

Next, we generate the dataset (StartMathJax)(n,c)(StopMathJax) using dgp. This creates the two (StartMathJax)\check t \times \check r(StopMathJax) matrices data.C and data.N. Then construct the from and to matrices of size (StartMathJax)(\check t -1)\times \check r (StopMathJax) as we did in likelihoodStep1.

example.m123Data = dgp(Settings, Param);
example.m124from = Data.C(1:Settings.tCheck - 1, 1:Settings.rCheck);
example.m125to = Data.C(2:Settings.tCheck, 1:Settings.rCheck);

These matrices include (StartMathJax)C_{t,r}(StopMathJax) and (StartMathJax)C_{t+1,r}(StopMathJax), respectively, for (StartMathJax)t=1,\ldots,\check t -1(StopMathJax) and (StartMathJax)r=1,\ldots,\check r (StopMathJax), as given in the (StartMathJax)\check{t}\times \check r (StopMathJax) matrix Data.C. As discussed above, we use the mean and standard deviations of the innovations in logged demand as starting values for (StartMathJax)(\mu_C, \sigma_C)(StopMathJax). These are stored in startValues.step1

example.m134logTransitions = Settings.logGrid([from(:), to(:)]);
example.m135innovLogC = logTransitions(:, 2) - logTransitions(:, 1);
example.m136startValues.step1 = [mean(innovLogC), std(innovLogC)];

Declare the first step likelihood function to be the objective function. This is an anonymous function with parameter vector estimates

example.m141objFunStep1 = @(estimates) likelihoodStep1(Data, Settings, estimates);

Store the negative log likelihood evaluated at the true values of (StartMathJax)(\mu_C, \sigma_C)(StopMathJax). This will later allow us to compare the negative log likelihood function at the final estimates to the negative log likelihood function at the true parameter values (the former should always be smaller than the latter).

example.m149llhTruth.step1 = objFunStep1(Param.truth.step1);

Next, maximize the likelihood function using fmincon. The only constraint under which we are maximizing is that (StartMathJax)\sigma_C \gt 0(StopMathJax). We impose this constraint by specifying the lower bound of (StartMathJax)(\mu_C, \sigma_C)(StopMathJax) to be [-inf, 0]. The estimates of (StartMathJax)(\mu_C, \sigma_C)(StopMathJax) are stored in Estimates.step1, the likelihood at the optimal value is stored in llh.step1 and the exit flag (the reason for which the optimization ended) is stored in exitFlag.step1.

example.m160[Estimates.step1, llh.step1, exitFlag.step1] = fmincon(objFunStep1,
example.m161 startValues.step1, [], [], [], [], [-inf, 0], [], [], options);
example.m162computingTime.step1 = toc;

Now consider the second step, in which we estimate (StartMathJax)(k, \varphi,\omega)(StopMathJax). Start by creating anonymous functions which will be used in likelihoodStep2 to map the vector of parameter estimates into the Param structure:

example.m169Settings.estimates2k = @(x) x(1:Settings.nCheck);
example.m170Settings.estimates2phi = @(x) x(6);
example.m171Settings.estimates2omega = @(x) x(7);

Starting values are the same random draw from a uniform distribution on (StartMathJax)[1,5](StopMathJax):

example.m176startValues.step2 = 1 + 4 * ones(1, length(Param.truth.step2)) * rand;

Using markov, we then generate the transition matrix and ergodic distribution using the estimated values (StartMathJax)(\hat \mu_C,\hat \sigma_C)(StopMathJax) from the first step as the parameters for the demand process:

example.m183Param = markov(Param, Settings, Estimates.step1(1), Estimates.step1(2));

Declare the objective function as in the first step:

example.m187objFunStep2 = @(estimates) likelihoodStep2(Data, Settings, Param, estimates);

The maximization is constrained by imposing that (StartMathJax)(\hat k,\hat \varphi, \hat \omega)(StopMathJax) are nonnegative. Store the negative log-likelihood at the true parameter values:

example.m193lb = zeros(size(startValues.step2));
example.m194llhTruth.step2 = objFunStep2(Param.truth.step2);

Then, minimize the objective function:

example.m199[Estimates.step2,llh.step2,exitFlag.step2] = fmincon(objFunStep2,
example.m200 startValues.step2, [], [], [], [], lb, [], [], options);
example.m201computingTime.step2 = toc;

The results are stored as in the first step. Now consider the third step, FIML. Start by declaring the estimates from the first two steps to be the starting values for the third step:

example.m208startValues.step3 = [Estimates.step2, Estimates.step1];

Declare the objective function:

example.m212objFunStep3 = @(estimates) likelihoodStep3(Data, Settings, Param, estimates);

The lower bound for all parameters is zero, except for (StartMathJax)\mu_C(StopMathJax) which is unbounded. (StartMathJax)\mu_C(StopMathJax) corresponds to the second to last entry in the vector of parameters.

example.m218lb = zeros(size(startValues.step3));
example.m219lb(length(startValues.step3) - 1) = -inf;

Store the negative log-likelihood at the true parameter values:

example.m223llhTruth.step3 = objFunStep3(Param.truth.step3);

Obtain the estimates subject to the constraints lb:

example.m228[Estimates.step3, llh.step3, exitFlag.step3] = fmincon(objFunStep3,
example.m229 startValues.step3, [], [], [], [], lb, [], [], options);
example.m230computingTime.step3 = toc;

Compute the standard errors by requesting two output arguments, and store these in

example.m235[~,] = likelihoodStep3(Data, Settings, Param, Estimates.step3);

which concludes the estimation of the synthetic sample.

5Appendix A: List of Structures

Throughout the Matlab code, the structures Settings, Param, and Data play an important role. We define their contents in this section.

The structure Settings contains parameters that govern the execution of the Matlab. All elements in Settings need to be defined by hand and remain constant throughout the execution of the program.

The structure Param contains the primitives of the model.

The structure Data contains the following elements.

6Appendix B: Auxiliary Functions

This part of the appendix contains descriptions of all auxiliary functions used that were not described above.

61Compute Markov Process

This function computes the transition probability matrix transMat and the ergodic distribution ergDist of the demand process. If this function is called using only Param and Settings as inputs, then Param.demand.transMat is computed using the true values of the demand process parameters (StartMathJax)(\mu_C, \sigma_C)(StopMathJax) that are stored in Param.truth.step1. This is used in example.m when we generate synthetic data on the number of consumers in each market. In this case, we will also compute the ergodic distribution Param.demand.ergDist. Alternatively, if the function is called with the additional inputs muC and sigmaC, then these parameter values will be used to compute Param.demand.transMat. In this case, Param.demand.ergDist will not be computed.

markov.m15function Param = markov(Param, Settings, muC, sigmaC)

The code starts with extracting the relevant variables from the Settings structure for convenience. If only two input arguments are passed to the function, then the true values for (StartMathJax)(\mu_C, \sigma_C)(StopMathJax) are used.

markov.m21cCheck = Settings.cCheck;
markov.m22logGrid = Settings.logGrid;
markov.m23d = Settings.d;
markov.m25if nargin == 2
markov.m26 muC = Param.demand.muC;
markov.m27 sigmaC = Param.demand.sigmaC;

The transition probability matrix is computed according to the method outlined by Tauchen(1986), which is used to discretize a continuous (and bounded) stochastic process. We use the standard convention for transition probability matrices. That is, for a transition probability matrix (StartMathJax)\Pi(StopMathJax), each entry (StartMathJax)\Pi_{i,j}(StopMathJax) gives the probability of transitioning from state (StartMathJax)i(StopMathJax) (row) to state (StartMathJax)j(StopMathJax) (column). The transition matrix is of dimension (StartMathJax)\check c \times \check c(StopMathJax). The idea of the Tauchen method is intuitive - we assumed the growth of (StartMathJax)C(StopMathJax) to be normally distributed with parameters muC and sigmaC. Since this is a continuous distribution, while the state space is discrete, we treat a transition to a neighborhood around (StartMathJax)c_{[j]}(StopMathJax) as a transition to (StartMathJax)c_{[j]}(StopMathJax) itself. These neighborhoods span from one mid-point between two nodes on logGrid to the next mid-point, i.e. (StartMathJax)\left[\log c_{[j]}-\frac{d}{2},\log c_{[j]}+\frac{d}{2}\right](StopMathJax). Transitions to the end-points of logGrid follow the same logic. Distinguishing between transitions to interior points ((StartMathJax)j=2,\ldots,\check c -1(StopMathJax)) and transitions to end-points ((StartMathJax)j=1(StopMathJax) or (StartMathJax)j=\check c(StopMathJax)), we have three cases.

markov.m49transMat = NaN(cCheck, cCheck);


(StartMathJax) \Pi_{i,j}=Pr\left[C'=c_{[j]} |C=c_{[i]}\right] = \Phi\left(\frac{\log c_{[j]} - \log c_{[i]} +\frac{d}{2}-\mu_C}{\sigma_C}\right)- \Phi\left(\frac{\log c_{[j]} - \log c_{[i]} -\frac{d}{2}-\mu_C}{\sigma_C}\right) (StopMathJax)

markov.m58for jX = 2:(cCheck - 1)
markov.m59 transMat(:, jX) = normcdf((logGrid(jX) - logGrid' + d / 2 - muC) / sigmaC)
markov.m60 - normcdf((logGrid(jX) - logGrid'-d / 2-muC) / sigmaC);


(StartMathJax) \Pi_{i,1}=Pr\left[C'=c_{[1]} |C=c_{[i]}\right] = \Phi\left(\frac{\log c_{[1]} - \log c_{[i]} +\frac{d}{2}-\mu_C}{\sigma_C}\right) (StopMathJax)

markov.m69transMat(:, 1) = normcdf((logGrid(1) - logGrid' + d / 2 - muC) / sigmaC);


(StartMathJax) \Pi_{i,1}=Pr\left[C'=c_{[\check c]} |C=c_{[i]}\right] = 1-\Phi\left(\frac{\log c_{[\check c]} - \log c_{[i]} -\frac{d}{2}-\mu_C}{\sigma_C}\right) (StopMathJax)

markov.m75transMat(:,cCheck) = 1 - normcdf((logGrid(cCheck) - logGrid' - d / 2 - muC) / sigmaC);

This completes the construction of the transition matrix transMat, which we now store in the Param structure.

markov.m80Param.demand.transMat = transMat;

Next, we compute the ergodic distribution of the demand process ergDist. The ergodic distribution is only computed for the true parameter values, i.e. when the number of input arguments equals two. The ergodic distribution is the eigenvector of the transpose of the transition matrix with eigenvalue equal to 1 after normalizing it such that its entries sum to unity. The Perron-Frobenius Theorem guarantees that such an eigenvector exists and that all eigenvalues are not greater than 1 in absolute value. We store the eigenvectors of the transition matrix as columns in eigenVecs, in decreasing order of eigenvalues from left to right. The eigenvector with unit eigenvalue is normalized by dividing each element by the sum of elements in the vector, so that it sums to 1 and thus is the ergodic distribution, stored as ergDist. Finally, we store ergDist in the Param structure.

markov.m98if nargin == 2
markov.m99[eigenVecs, eigenVals] = eigs(transMat');
markov.m100Param.demand.ergDist = eigenVecs(:, 1) / sum(eigenVecs(:, 1));

We conclude by checking for two numerical problems that may arise. Firstly, confirm that the greatest eigenvalue is sufficiently close to 1 and return an error if it is not. Secondly, due to approximation errors, it may be the case that not all elements in the eigenvector are of the same sign (one of them may be just under or above zero). This will undesirably result in an ergodic distribution with a negative entry.

markov.m109if abs(max(eigenVals(:) - 1)) > 1e-5
markov.m110 error('Warning: highest eigenvalue not sufficiently close to 1')
markov.m113signDummy = eigenVecs(:, 1) > 0;
markov.m114if sum(signDummy) ~= 0 && sum(signDummy) ~= cCheck
markov.m115 error('Not all elements in relevant eigenvector are of same sign');

62Draw from Discrete Distribution

This function randomly draws realizations from discrete probability distributions using the inverse cumulative distribution function method. The idea is to first draw a realization from a uniform distribution and then map that draw, a probability, into the corresponding mass point of the discrete distribution. This function is written to draw one realization each from K distributions at a time. Each of the K distributions is assumed to be defined over M points.

The function takes as input a matrix P which is of dimension M times K. In this matrix, each column corresponds to a probability mass function.

randomDiscr.m16function iX = randomDiscr(P)
randomDiscr.m17 M = size(P, 1);
randomDiscr.m18 K = size(P, 2);
randomDiscr.m19 U = ones(M, 1) * rand(1, K); % Draw uniform random variables
randomDiscr.m20 cdf = cumsum(P); % Compute CDF
randomDiscr.m21 iX = 1 + sum(U > cdf); % Find mass point that corresponds to U

The result is a vector iX of length K with realizations from the discrete distributions described by P.


63Compute Gauss-Legendre Weights

lgwt.m4function [x,w] = lgwt(N, a, b)

This function is for computing definite integrals using Legendre-Gauss Quadrature. It computes the Legendre-Gauss nodes and weights on an interval [a,b] with number of nodes N.

Suppose you have a continuous function (StartMathJax)f(x)(StopMathJax) which is defined on [a,b] which you can evaluate at any (StartMathJax)x(StopMathJax) in [a,b]. Simply evaluate it at all of the values contained in the x vector to obtain a vector (StartMathJax)f(x)(StopMathJax). Then compute the definite integral using sum(f .* w);

lgwt.m13N = N - 1;
lgwt.m14N1 = N + 1;
lgwt.m15N2 = N + 2;
lgwt.m16xu = linspace(-1, 1, N1)';
lgwt.m17y = cos((2*(0:N)'+1) * pi / (2*N+2)) + 0.27/N1 * sin(pi*xu*N/N2);
lgwt.m18L = NaN(N1, N2);
lgwt.m19Lp = NaN(N1, N2);
lgwt.m20y0 = 2;
lgwt.m21while max(abs(y-y0)) > eps
lgwt.m22 L(:, 1) = 1;
lgwt.m23 L(:, 2) = y;
lgwt.m24 for k = 2:N1
lgwt.m25 L(:, k+1) = ((2*k-1)*y .* L(:,k)-(k-1)*L(:,k-1)) / k;
lgwt.m26 end
lgwt.m27 Lp = N2*(L(:,N1)-y.*L(:,N2))./(1-y.^2);
lgwt.m28 y0 = y;
lgwt.m29 y = y0-L(:,N2) ./ Lp;
lgwt.m31x = (a*(1-y) + b*(1+y)) / 2;
lgwt.m32w = (b-a) ./ ((1-y.^2) .* Lp.^2) * (N2/N1)^2;

valueFunctionIteration.m44function [vS, pEntry, pEntrySet, pStay] =
valueFunctionIteration.m45 valueFunctionIteration(Settings, Param)
valueFunctionIteration.m49vS = zeros(Settings.nCheck + 1, Settings.cCheck);
valueFunctionIteration.m50pEntry = zeros(Settings.nCheck + 1, Settings.cCheck);
valueFunctionIteration.m51pEntrySet = zeros(Settings.nCheck + 1, Settings.cCheck);
valueFunctionIteration.m52pStay = zeros(Settings.nCheck, Settings.cCheck);
valueFunctionIteration.m75thetaW2 = ^ 2;
valueFunctionIteration.m76gridTrans = exp(Settings.logGrid)';
valueFunctionIteration.m78for n = Settings.nCheck:-1:1
valueFunctionIteration.m81 iter = 0;
valueFunctionIteration.m82 vSdiff = 1;
valueFunctionIteration.m85 vSn = vS(n, :)';
valueFunctionIteration.m88 flowSurplus = gridTrans * Param.k(n) / n;
valueFunctionIteration.m91 valueAdditionalEntry =
valueFunctionIteration.m92 sum(pEntrySet((n + 1):end, :) .* vS((n + 1):end, :))';
valueFunctionIteration.m95 pEntrynPlus1 = pEntry(n + 1, :)';
valueFunctionIteration.m98 while (vSdiff > Settings.tolInner && iter < Settings.maxIter)
valueFunctionIteration.m101 iter = iter + 1;
valueFunctionIteration.m104 logvSn = log(vSn);
valueFunctionIteration.m107 pStayn = normcdf(logvSn, -0.5 * thetaW2,;
valueFunctionIteration.m110 partialExp = 1 - normcdf(0.5 * thetaW2 - logvSn, 0,;
valueFunctionIteration.m113 valueSureSurvNoEntry = (pStayn - pEntrynPlus1) .* vSn;
valueFunctionIteration.m114 vSnPrime = (Param.rho * Param.demand.transMat * (flowSurplus
valueFunctionIteration.m115 - partialExp + valueSureSurvNoEntry + valueAdditionalEntry));
valueFunctionIteration.m116 vSdiff = max(abs(vSn - vSnPrime));
valueFunctionIteration.m119 vSn = vSnPrime;
valueFunctionIteration.m120 end
valueFunctionIteration.m122 if (iter == Settings.maxIter)
valueFunctionIteration.m123 error('value function iteration failed');
valueFunctionIteration.m124 end
valueFunctionIteration.m127 vS(n, :) = vSn;
valueFunctionIteration.m128 pStay(n, :) = pStayn;
valueFunctionIteration.m129 pEntry(n, :) = normcdf(logvSn - log((1 + Param.phi)), -0.5 * thetaW2,;
valueFunctionIteration.m130 pEntrySet(n, :) = pEntry(n, :) - pEntry(n + 1, :);
mixingProbabilities.m12function aS = mixingProbabilities(N, C, W, vS)
mixingProbabilities.m32aS = NaN(size(N));
mixingProbabilities.m34for iX = 1:length(N)
mixingProbabilities.m40 nE = N(iX);
mixingProbabilities.m41 matCoef = zeros(nE);
mixingProbabilities.m42 for jX = (nE - 1):-1:0
mixingProbabilities.m43 signCoef = (-1) .^ (jX - (0:jX));
mixingProbabilities.m44 nCk = factorial(nE - 1) / factorial(nE - 1 - jX) ./ (factorial(0:jX) .* factorial(jX - (0:jX)));
mixingProbabilities.m45 continuationValue = (-exp(W(iX)) + vS(1:(jX + 1), C(iX)))';
mixingProbabilities.m46 matCoef(nE - jX, 1:(jX + 1)) = signCoef .* nCk .* continuationValue;
mixingProbabilities.m47 end
mixingProbabilities.m49 vecCoef = sum(matCoef, 2);
mixingProbabilities.m57 mixprobcand = roots(vecCoef);
mixingProbabilities.m58 mixprobcand(mixprobcand<0 | mixprobcand>1) = [];
mixingProbabilities.m59 mixprobcand(real(mixprobcand) ~= mixprobcand) = [];
mixingProbabilities.m60 if(length(mixprobcand) ~= 1)
mixingProbabilities.m61 error('The number of roots between 0 and 1 is not equal to 1.');
mixingProbabilities.m62 end
mixingProbabilities.m63 aS(iX) = mixprobcand;
likelihoodStep1.m11function [ll, likeCont] = likelihoodStep1(Data , Settings, estimates)
likelihoodStep1.m19from = Data.C(1:(Settings.tCheck - 1), 1:Settings.rCheck);
likelihoodStep1.m20to = Data.C(2:Settings.tCheck, 1:Settings.rCheck);
likelihoodStep1.m24likeCont = NaN(size(from(:),1), 1);
likelihoodStep1.m28muC = estimates(1);
likelihoodStep1.m29sigmaC = estimates(2);
likelihoodStep1.m63selectInteriorTransitions = to > 1 & to < Settings.cCheck;
likelihoodStep1.m66 = normcdf((Settings.logGrid(to(selectInteriorTransitions))
likelihoodStep1.m67 - Settings.logGrid(from(selectInteriorTransitions)) + Settings.d / 2 - muC) / sigmaC)
likelihoodStep1.m68 - normcdf((Settings.logGrid(to(selectInteriorTransitions))
likelihoodStep1.m69 - Settings.logGrid(from(selectInteriorTransitions)) - Settings.d / 2 - muC) / sigmaC);
likelihoodStep1.m71likeCont(to == 1) = normcdf((Settings.logGrid(1) -
likelihoodStep1.m72 Settings.logGrid(from(to == 1)) + Settings.d / 2 - muC) / sigmaC);
likelihoodStep1.m74likeCont(to == Settings.cCheck) = 1 - normcdf((Settings.logGrid(Settings.cCheck)
likelihoodStep1.m75 - Settings.logGrid(from(to == Settings.cCheck)) - Settings.d / 2 - muC) / sigmaC);
likelihoodStep1.m77ll = -sum(log(likeCont));
likelihoodStep2.m76function [ll, likeCont] = likelihoodStep2(Data, Settings, Param, estimates)
likelihoodStep2.m83Param.k = Settings.estimates2k(estimates);
likelihoodStep2.m84Param.phi = Settings.estimates2phi(estimates); = Settings.estimates2omega(estimates);
likelihoodStep2.m93[vS,pEntry,pEntrySet,pStay] = valueFunctionIteration(Settings, Param);
likelihoodStep2.m99vec = @(x) x(:);
likelihoodStep2.m100from = vec(Data.N(1:Settings.tCheck - 1, 1:Settings.rCheck));
likelihoodStep2.m101to = vec(Data.N(2:Settings.tCheck, 1:Settings.rCheck));
likelihoodStep2.m102demand = vec(Data.C(1:(Settings.tCheck - 1), 1:Settings.rCheck));
likelihoodStep2.m111llhContributionsCaseI = zeros(size(from));
likelihoodStep2.m112llhContributionsCaseII = zeros(size(from));
likelihoodStep2.m113llhContributionsCaseIII = zeros(size(from));
likelihoodStep2.m114llhContributionsCaseIV = zeros(size(from));
likelihoodStep2.m115llhContributionsCaseV = zeros(size(from));
likelihoodStep2.m119selectMarketsCaseI = to > from;
likelihoodStep2.m120llhContributionsCaseI(selectMarketsCaseI) =
likelihoodStep2.m121 pEntrySet(sub2ind(size(pEntrySet),
likelihoodStep2.m122 to(selectMarketsCaseI),
likelihoodStep2.m123 demand(selectMarketsCaseI)));
likelihoodStep2.m128selectMarketsCaseII = from > to & to > 0;
likelihoodStep2.m129llhContributionsCaseII(selectMarketsCaseII) =
likelihoodStep2.m130 mixingIntegral(from(selectMarketsCaseII),
likelihoodStep2.m131 to(selectMarketsCaseII),
likelihoodStep2.m132 demand(selectMarketsCaseII),
likelihoodStep2.m133 vS, Param, Settings);
likelihoodStep2.m141selectMarketsCaseIII = to == 0 & from > 0;
likelihoodStep2.m142llhContributionsCaseIII(selectMarketsCaseIII) =
likelihoodStep2.m143 1 - pStay(1, demand(selectMarketsCaseIII))' +
likelihoodStep2.m144 mixingIntegral(from(selectMarketsCaseIII),
likelihoodStep2.m145 to(selectMarketsCaseIII),
likelihoodStep2.m146 demand(selectMarketsCaseIII),
likelihoodStep2.m147 vS, Param, Settings);
likelihoodStep2.m152selectMarketsCaseIV = to == 0 & from == 0;
likelihoodStep2.m153llhContributionsCaseIV(selectMarketsCaseIV) =
likelihoodStep2.m154 1 - pEntry(1, demand(selectMarketsCaseIV))';
likelihoodStep2.m158selectMarketsCaseV = from == to & to > 0;
likelihoodStep2.m159llhContributionsCaseV(selectMarketsCaseV) =
likelihoodStep2.m160 pStay(sub2ind(size(pStay),
likelihoodStep2.m161 from(selectMarketsCaseV),
likelihoodStep2.m162 demand(selectMarketsCaseV))) -
likelihoodStep2.m163 pEntry(sub2ind(size(pEntry),
likelihoodStep2.m164 from(selectMarketsCaseV) + 1,
likelihoodStep2.m165 demand(selectMarketsCaseV))) +
likelihoodStep2.m166 mixingIntegral(from(selectMarketsCaseV),
likelihoodStep2.m167 to(selectMarketsCaseV),
likelihoodStep2.m168 demand(selectMarketsCaseV),
likelihoodStep2.m169 vS, Param, Settings);
likelihoodStep2.m175ll = -sum(log(llhContributionsCaseI +
likelihoodStep2.m176 llhContributionsCaseII +
likelihoodStep2.m177 llhContributionsCaseIII +
likelihoodStep2.m178 llhContributionsCaseIV +
likelihoodStep2.m179 llhContributionsCaseV));
likelihoodStep2.m181if(isnan(ll) || max(real(ll)~=ll) == 1)
likelihoodStep2.m182 ll = inf;
likelihoodStep2.m188if(nargout == 2)
likelihoodStep2.m189 likeCont = llhContributionsCaseI +
likelihoodStep2.m190 llhContributionsCaseII +
likelihoodStep2.m191 llhContributionsCaseIII +
likelihoodStep2.m192 llhContributionsCaseIV +
likelihoodStep2.m193 llhContributionsCaseV;
mixingIntegral.m102function [llhContributionsMixing] =
mixingIntegral.m103 mixingIntegral(from, to, demand, vS, Param, Settings)
mixingIntegral.m125nchoosekMatrixPlusOne = ones(Settings.nCheck + 1);
mixingIntegral.m127for nX=2:Settings.nCheck
mixingIntegral.m128 for iX=0:(nX - 1)
mixingIntegral.m129 nchoosekMatrixPlusOne(nX + 1, iX + 1) = nchoosek(nX, iX);
mixingIntegral.m130 end
mixingIntegral.m136mixingDensity = zeros(Settings.integrationLength,
mixingIntegral.m137 Settings.cCheck,
mixingIntegral.m138 Settings.nCheck);
mixingIntegral.m140aSinv = zeros(Settings.integrationLength,
mixingIntegral.m141 Settings.cCheck,
mixingIntegral.m142 Settings.nCheck);
mixingIntegral.m144daSinvdP = zeros(Settings.integrationLength,
mixingIntegral.m145 Settings.cCheck,
mixingIntegral.m146 Settings.nCheck);
mixingIntegral.m148p = Settings.integrationNodes;
mixingIntegral.m149w = Settings.integrationWeights;
mixingIntegral.m151for n = 2:Settings.nCheck
mixingIntegral.m153 expaSInv = zeros(length(p), Settings.cCheck);
mixingIntegral.m154 dexpaSInvdP = zeros(length(p), Settings.cCheck);
mixingIntegral.m156 for nPrime = 1:n
mixingIntegral.m158 nChoosek = nchoosekMatrixPlusOne(n, nPrime);
mixingIntegral.m159 binomialPmf = nChoosek .* repmat(p .^ (nPrime - 1)
mixingIntegral.m160 .* (1 - p) .^ (n - nPrime), 1, Settings.cCheck);
mixingIntegral.m161 dbinomialPmfdP = nChoosek .* repmat(p .^ (nPrime-2)
mixingIntegral.m162 .* (1 - p) .^ (n - nPrime - 1)
mixingIntegral.m163 .* ((nPrime - 1) .* (1 - p) - p .* (n - nPrime)), 1, Settings.cCheck);
mixingIntegral.m164 repvS = repmat(vS(nPrime, :), Settings.integrationLength,1);
mixingIntegral.m165 expaSInv = expaSInv + binomialPmf .* repvS ;
mixingIntegral.m166 dexpaSInvdP = dexpaSInvdP + dbinomialPmfdP .* repvS;
mixingIntegral.m168 end
mixingIntegral.m170 aSinv(:, :, n) = log(expaSInv);
mixingIntegral.m171 daSinvdP(:, :, n) = dexpaSInvdP ./ expaSInv;
mixingIntegral.m173 intWeights = repmat(w, 1, Settings.cCheck);
mixingIntegral.m174 normaSinv = normpdf(aSinv(:, :, n), -.5*^2,;
mixingIntegral.m175 mixingDensity(:, :, n) = daSinvdP(:, :, n) .* normaSinv .* intWeights;
mixingIntegral.m184llhContributionsMixing = zeros(length(from), 1);
mixingIntegral.m185for jX = 1:length(from)
mixingIntegral.m186 if(from(jX) > 1)
mixingIntegral.m187 nChoosek = nchoosekMatrixPlusOne(from(jX) + 1, to(jX) + 1);
mixingIntegral.m188 llhContributionsMixing(jX) =
mixingIntegral.m189 - sum(nChoosek .* p .^ to(jX) .* (1 - p) .^ (from(jX) - to(jX))
mixingIntegral.m190 .* mixingDensity(:, demand(jX), from(jX)));
mixingIntegral.m191 end
likelihoodStep3.m12function [ll, se, likeCont, covariance] = likelihoodStep3(data, Settings, Param, estimates)
likelihoodStep3.m19Param = markov(Param, Settings, estimates(end - 1), estimates(end));
likelihoodStep3.m20[~, likeCont1] = likelihoodStep1(data, Settings, estimates(end - 1:end));
likelihoodStep3.m21[~, likeCont2] = likelihoodStep2(data, Settings, Param, estimates(1:end - 2));
likelihoodStep3.m22ll = -sum(log(likeCont1) + log(likeCont2));
likelihoodStep3.m28 return;
likelihoodStep3.m36 se = [];
likelihoodStep3.m37 likeCont = likeCont1 .* likeCont2;
likelihoodStep3.m38 return;
likelihoodStep3.m52epsilon = eye(length(estimates)) * Settings.fdStep;
likelihoodStep3.m57likeCont = likeCont1 .* likeCont2;
likelihoodStep3.m83gradCont = zeros(Settings.rCheck*(Settings.tCheck - 1), length(estimates));
likelihoodStep3.m85for j = 1:length(estimates)
likelihoodStep3.m86 [~, ~, likeContribPlus] = likelihoodStep3(data, Settings, Param, estimates + epsilon(j, :));
likelihoodStep3.m87 [~, ~, likeContribMinus] = likelihoodStep3(data, Settings, Param, estimates - epsilon(j, :));
likelihoodStep3.m88 gradCont(:, j) = (likeContribPlus - likeContribMinus) / (2 * Settings.fdStep) ./ likeCont;
likelihoodStep3.m99Hessian = zeros(length(estimates));
likelihoodStep3.m100for iX=1:size(gradCont, 1)
likelihoodStep3.m101 Hessian = Hessian + gradCont(iX, :)' * gradCont(iX, :);
likelihoodStep3.m108covariance = inv(Hessian);
likelihoodStep3.m109se = sqrt(diag(covariance))';
randomFirms.m45function Nprime = randomFirms(N, C, W, Settings, Param, vS)
randomFirms.m47Nprime = NaN(size(N));
randomFirms.m49for nX = 1:Settings.rCheck
randomFirms.m51 switch (true)
randomFirms.m53 case N(nX) > 0 && (vS(1, C(nX)) <= exp(W(nX)))
randomFirms.m54 Nprime(nX) = 0;
randomFirms.m57 case N(nX) > 1 && (vS(max(1,N(nX)), C(nX)) <= exp(W(nX)))
randomFirms.m58 aS = mixingProbabilities(N(nX), C(nX), W(nX), vS);
randomFirms.m59 Nprime(nX) = binornd(N(nX), aS);
randomFirms.m62 case N(nX) < Settings.nCheck && (vS(max(1, N(nX)), C(nX)) > exp(W(nX)))
randomFirms.m63 Nprime(nX) = N(nX) + sum(vS((N(nX) + 1):Settings.nCheck, C(nX))
randomFirms.m64 - (1 + Param.phi) .* exp(W(nX)) > 0);
randomFirms.m67 otherwise
randomFirms.m68 Nprime(nX) = N(nX);
randomFirms.m69 end
dgp.m20function Data = dgp(Settings, Param)
dgp.m22N = NaN(Settings.tBurn + Settings.tCheck, Settings.rCheck);
dgp.m23C = NaN(Settings.tBurn + Settings.tCheck, Settings.rCheck);
dgp.m27vS = valueFunctionIteration(Settings,Param);
dgp.m32W = * randn(Settings.tBurn + Settings.tCheck, Settings.rCheck) -0.5 * ^ 2;
dgp.m40C(1,:) = randomDiscr(repmat(Param.demand.ergDist, 1, Settings.rCheck));
dgp.m41for t = 2 : Settings.tBurn + Settings.tCheck
dgp.m42 C(t, :) = randomDiscr(Param.demand.transMat(C(t - 1, :), :)');
dgp.m54N(1,:) = randsample(Settings.nCheck, Settings.rCheck, true);
dgp.m56for t = 2:Settings.tBurn+Settings.tCheck
dgp.m57 N(t, :) = randomFirms(N(t - 1, :)', C(t - 1, :)', W(t - 1, :)', Settings, Param, vS);
dgp.m63Data.C = C((end - Settings.tCheck + 1):end, :);
dgp.m64Data.N = N((end - Settings.tCheck + 1):end, :);
dgp.m65Data.W = W((end - Settings.tCheck + 1):end, :);
example.m8s = RandStream('mlfg6331_64', 'Seed', 12345);
example.m26Settings.tolInner = 1e-10;
example.m27Settings.tolOuter = 1e-6;
example.m28Settings.maxIter = 1000;
example.m33Settings.nCheck = 5;
example.m40Settings.cCheck = 200;
example.m41Settings.lowBndC = 0.5;
example.m42Settings.uppBndC = 5;
example.m48Settings.logGrid =
example.m49linspace(log(Settings.lowBndC), log(Settings.uppBndC), Settings.cCheck);
example.m50Settings.d = Settings.logGrid(2) - Settings.logGrid(1);
example.m59Settings.rCheck = 1000;
example.m60Settings.tCheck = 10;
example.m61Settings.tBurn = 100;
example.m68Settings.fdStep = 1e-7;
example.m76Settings.integrationLength = 32;
example.m77[Settings.integrationNodes, Settings.integrationWeights] =
example.m78 lgwt(Settings.integrationLength, 0, 1);
example.m84options = optimset('Algorithm', 'interior-point', 'Display', 'iter',
example.m85 'TolFun', Settings.tolOuter, 'TolX', Settings.tolOuter,
example.m86 'GradObj', 'off');
example.m91Param.rho = 1/1.05;
example.m95Param.k = [1.8, 1.4, 1.2, 1, 0.9];
example.m96Param.phi = 10; = 1;
example.m98Param.demand.muC = 0;
example.m99Param.demand.sigmaC = 0.02;
example.m104Param.truth.step1 = [Param.demand.muC, Param.demand.sigmaC];
example.m105Param.truth.step2 = [Param.k, Param.phi,];
example.m106Param.truth.step3 = [Param.truth.step2, Param.truth.step1];
example.m116Param = markov(Param, Settings);
example.m123Data = dgp(Settings, Param);
example.m124from = Data.C(1:Settings.tCheck - 1, 1:Settings.rCheck);
example.m125to = Data.C(2:Settings.tCheck, 1:Settings.rCheck);
example.m134logTransitions = Settings.logGrid([from(:), to(:)]);
example.m135innovLogC = logTransitions(:, 2) - logTransitions(:, 1);
example.m136startValues.step1 = [mean(innovLogC), std(innovLogC)];
example.m141objFunStep1 = @(estimates) likelihoodStep1(Data, Settings, estimates);
example.m149llhTruth.step1 = objFunStep1(Param.truth.step1);
example.m160[Estimates.step1, llh.step1, exitFlag.step1] = fmincon(objFunStep1,
example.m161 startValues.step1, [], [], [], [], [-inf, 0], [], [], options);
example.m162computingTime.step1 = toc;
example.m169Settings.estimates2k = @(x) x(1:Settings.nCheck);
example.m170Settings.estimates2phi = @(x) x(6);
example.m171Settings.estimates2omega = @(x) x(7);
example.m176startValues.step2 = 1 + 4 * ones(1, length(Param.truth.step2)) * rand;
example.m183Param = markov(Param, Settings, Estimates.step1(1), Estimates.step1(2));
example.m187objFunStep2 = @(estimates) likelihoodStep2(Data, Settings, Param, estimates);
example.m193lb = zeros(size(startValues.step2));
example.m194llhTruth.step2 = objFunStep2(Param.truth.step2);
example.m199[Estimates.step2,llh.step2,exitFlag.step2] = fmincon(objFunStep2,
example.m200 startValues.step2, [], [], [], [], lb, [], [], options);
example.m201computingTime.step2 = toc;
example.m208startValues.step3 = [Estimates.step2, Estimates.step1];
example.m212objFunStep3 = @(estimates) likelihoodStep3(Data, Settings, Param, estimates);
example.m218lb = zeros(size(startValues.step3));
example.m219lb(length(startValues.step3) - 1) = -inf;
example.m223llhTruth.step3 = objFunStep3(Param.truth.step3);
example.m228[Estimates.step3, llh.step3, exitFlag.step3] = fmincon(objFunStep3,
example.m229 startValues.step3, [], [], [], [], lb, [], [], options);
example.m230computingTime.step3 = toc;
example.m235[~,] = likelihoodStep3(Data, Settings, Param, Estimates.step3);
markov.m15function Param = markov(Param, Settings, muC, sigmaC)
markov.m21cCheck = Settings.cCheck;
markov.m22logGrid = Settings.logGrid;
markov.m23d = Settings.d;
markov.m25if nargin == 2
markov.m26 muC = Param.demand.muC;
markov.m27 sigmaC = Param.demand.sigmaC;
markov.m49transMat = NaN(cCheck, cCheck);
markov.m58for jX = 2:(cCheck - 1)
markov.m59 transMat(:, jX) = normcdf((logGrid(jX) - logGrid' + d / 2 - muC) / sigmaC)
markov.m60 - normcdf((logGrid(jX) - logGrid'-d / 2-muC) / sigmaC);
markov.m69transMat(:, 1) = normcdf((logGrid(1) - logGrid' + d / 2 - muC) / sigmaC);
markov.m75transMat(:,cCheck) = 1 - normcdf((logGrid(cCheck) - logGrid' - d / 2 - muC) / sigmaC);
markov.m80Param.demand.transMat = transMat;
markov.m98if nargin == 2
markov.m99[eigenVecs, eigenVals] = eigs(transMat');
markov.m100Param.demand.ergDist = eigenVecs(:, 1) / sum(eigenVecs(:, 1));
markov.m109if abs(max(eigenVals(:) - 1)) > 1e-5
markov.m110 error('Warning: highest eigenvalue not sufficiently close to 1')
markov.m113signDummy = eigenVecs(:, 1) > 0;
markov.m114if sum(signDummy) ~= 0 && sum(signDummy) ~= cCheck
markov.m115 error('Not all elements in relevant eigenvector are of same sign');
randomDiscr.m16function iX = randomDiscr(P)
randomDiscr.m17 M = size(P, 1);
randomDiscr.m18 K = size(P, 2);
randomDiscr.m19 U = ones(M, 1) * rand(1, K);
randomDiscr.m20 cdf = cumsum(P);
randomDiscr.m21 iX = 1 + sum(U > cdf);
lgwt.m4function [x,w] = lgwt(N, a, b)
lgwt.m13N = N - 1;
lgwt.m14N1 = N + 1;
lgwt.m15N2 = N + 2;
lgwt.m16xu = linspace(-1, 1, N1)';
lgwt.m17y = cos((2*(0:N)'+1) * pi / (2*N+2)) + 0.27/N1 * sin(pi*xu*N/N2);
lgwt.m18L = NaN(N1, N2);
lgwt.m19Lp = NaN(N1, N2);
lgwt.m20y0 = 2;
lgwt.m21while max(abs(y-y0)) > eps
lgwt.m22 L(:, 1) = 1;
lgwt.m23 L(:, 2) = y;
lgwt.m24 for k = 2:N1
lgwt.m25 L(:, k+1) = ((2*k-1)*y .* L(:,k)-(k-1)*L(:,k-1)) / k;
lgwt.m26 end
lgwt.m27 Lp = N2*(L(:,N1)-y.*L(:,N2))./(1-y.^2);
lgwt.m28 y0 = y;
lgwt.m29 y = y0-L(:,N2) ./ Lp;
lgwt.m31x = (a*(1-y) + b*(1+y)) / 2;
lgwt.m32w = (b-a) ./ ((1-y.^2) .* Lp.^2) * (N2/N1)^2;